Buyers Home Inspection

12 Tips for Buyer’s Home Inspection

Buying a home is a big step, but it doesn’t have to be scary! Here are some tips to make buying a home easier and more enjoyable.

Here is our 12 Tips for Buyer's Home Inspection

1. Know What You Want

Before you begin looking for a house, think about what kind of house you want. Do you want a fixer-upper? Are you interested in a single-family home or a condo? How much space do you need? Will you be living alone or sharing with others? These questions all play into your decision making process when choosing a property.

2. Start Early

Start early so you don’t miss out on the best deals. Look for houses that are listed before they hit the market. Also, look for homes that are priced well below the asking price. This gives you room to negotiate.

3. Ask Questions

Ask questions during open houses to learn more about the home and its features. Be sure to ask about things like appliances, heating systems, roofing materials, and floor coverings. Don’t forget to ask about the neighborhood too. Is crime common? Does the area have public transportation nearby?

4. Check Out Multiple Homes

Don’t just settle for the first house you find. Visit several properties to compare prices, amenities, and locations. Compare apples to apples instead of comparing apples to oranges.

5. Have References Ready

It’s okay to bring references along with you when viewing a home. They may be able to give you insight into the seller’s character and personality.

6. Negotiate

Be prepared to negotiate. Sometimes sellers won’t budge on price, but they may agree to certain terms. For instance, maybe you want to buy the home sight unseen. Or perhaps you want to purchase the home with financing in place.

7. Pay Attention to Details

Make sure that everything is in order before signing a contract. Check the condition of windows, doors, floors, and walls. Inspect plumbing fixtures and electrical outlets. And remember to inspect the attic, crawlspace, garage, and basement.

8. Hire a Professional Inspector

A professional inspector will go over the home thoroughly and provide written reports detailing issues found. He or she will also recommend repairs needed after the inspection.

9. Get Preapproved

A preapproval letter from a lender shows how much money you can borrow. It helps you know if you can afford the monthly payments.

10. Choose Your Agent Wisely

You should choose an agent who has experience selling real estate. An experienced agent knows which neighborhoods sell quickly and which ones take longer. He or she will help you navigate through the entire buying process.

11. Stay Organized

Keep track of important documents such as contracts, inspections, and appraisals. Make copies of these items and store them safely.

12. Follow Up

After closing, follow up with your agent to ensure everything went smoothly. If there were any problems, he or she will let you know.

With Octopus Home Inspections, you’ll receive an unbiased, visual home inspection. The home will be thoroughly assessed from roof to foundation to identify any safety issues and help you understand the current conditions and nuances of the property.