
Please note that a lot of our volunteering opportunities happen during school hours and do require all our volunteers to have clearance through the 4J School District's Volunteer Background Check. If you are unsure about your clearance, please check with the front office. 

4J Volunteer Background Check

Year Round Volunteering

**Book Nook - Kids are able to come to the cafeteria during their first recess and exchange an old book, 5 ZAPS, or a Quarter ($0.25) for a new to them book. Looking for volunteers to help organize the program and volunteers to run it. This event was run on Thursdays, from 8:30am to 11am

**Library Helpers: This upcoming year, we will be adding Library help as a volunteering opportunity. As of right now, 14 of the 22 classes will be checking out books on Wednesday. Mr. Cortez needs assistance checking in all the books that come back in on Tuesday and getting them re-shelved for the classes to check-out on Wednesday.

**Work Room: there are always printing jobs and projects that teachers need help getting together year round. They can fill out a form and leave it in our box in the copy room. We love when parents who have a few extra minutes, pop into the copy room and help get some of the projects done for our teachers. If we see projects in our box, we like to have a list of volunteers we can reach out to, that can come in and help with large projects. The first couple weeks of schools there tends to be a large load of projects.

Event Volunteer Opportunities

We have a number of events that happen at various times of year. Here are the biggest events that we need lots of hands to make it happen:

School Clean Up - Last Saturday in August from 9am to noon. Volunteers needed to help clean up the school grounds before school starts. Our partners at North Park Church will be providing pizza at the end of the event. Need to bring our own tools, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows and such to pull weeds all along the parking lots, school garden, and playground.

**Cafeteria Help - Volunteer to help the first two (2) weeks of school during lunch. The priority time would be from 10:30-11:30 to help the K-2 grades relearn the process of the lunch line and getting through the Salad Bar. 

**Picture Day/Retake - Volunteers help collect forms, get the kids in line and ready for their picture to be taken, and assist the photographers. Can volunteer in shifts or all day. 

Health Screening - Volunteers help collect kids from classrooms, give vision screenings, and fill in needs as needed day of. 

**Penny Wars - Spring 2024 was our first time hosting this event. It will now happen in the Fall to prevent fundraising fatigue. Volunteers needed to help host a table at the trunk or treat, collect money before and after school from parents, and collect money in the mornings from kids and classrooms. 

Trunk-or-Treat - We host a costume themed trunk-or-treat out on the hard play. Volunteers needed for hosting a trunk and hand out candy to kids. 

**Fall Book Fair - we need volunteers to help organize and volunteer before school (7:30a - 8a) and after school (2:15p - 3p). Main job is helping the kids find and pick out the books they are interested in. 

Providing the staff meals during parent/teacher conferences - we do a buffet style meals for both days of parent/teacher conferences for the staff that are there all day. Looking for people to help organize and willing to provide food to go with the themed meals. 

**Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) - 3rd to 5th graders can form teams now and two Fridays a month after school, starting October, teams are welcome to meet in the library to practice and discuss the books. In mid-January and February, the 3rd through 5th graders start the battle of the books. We need several volunteers to make this happen. Last year we needed 6 volunteers Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11am - 12pm to be the time keepers, ask questions, and settle the audience during each of the battles. 

Bertha's Birthday Bingo Bash: Come celebrate the founder of Bertha Holt Elementary and play Bingo in the cafeteria/gym, enjoy some popcorn, and win some prizes. Volunteers needed for planning, collecting donations, and night of.

Spring Carnival - This event has carnival games all around the school for everyone to participate in and win prizes. Looking for help in organizing the event, including any vendors, games and prizes.

**Spring Book Fair - we need volunteers to help organize and volunteer before school (7:30a - 8a) and after school (2:15p - 3p). Main job is helping the kids find and pick out the books they are interested in. 

**Holt Bolt (Jog-a-thon) - This is our one and only fundraiser of the year. We need a team of volunteers to help organize the logistics of the event. We will also need 30-40 volunteers day of to help with scanning QR codes, monitoring the classroom tables, help hand out otter pops, and other various jobs. 

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week - help organize and provide goodies to thank all the staff and teachers for their hard work. 

**5th Grade Celebration - help plan the farewell of the 5th graders. This can range to creating memory books, special breakfasts, field trips, and what ever else you can think of.

**Field Day - At the end of the school year, the school hosts a field day for all the grades. We, the parent group, help provide the nearly 80 volunteers needed to put on this event. 

**Other School Events - Throughout the year, the school asks for volunteers. Examples of those events are multicultural night, back to school night, school talent show, Title I night, talent show and field trips that do not have enough eligible chaperones.

**All these activities happen during school hours and require volunteers to have clearance through the 4J School District's Volunteer Background Check.