
Upcoming School Events

April 19: Spring Carnival & Book Fair

April 22-25: Scholastics Book Fair

May 6-10: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week

May 17: Holt Bolt (Jog-a-thon)

June 11: Field Day

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

**Book Nook Every Thursday SIGN UP

Spring Carnival & Book Fair SIGN UP

**Scholastics Book Fair SIGN UP

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week SIGN UP

**May 17: Holt Bolt (Jog-a-thon) SIGN UP

**June 11: Field Day SIGN UP

PTO Meetings

Thursday, May 2nd (Annual Meeting - Pizza & Childcare provided)

Thursday, June 6th (Budget Allocations for 2024/2025)

All meetings will be in the Library at 6pm and childcare will be available in the GYM starting at 5:45pm. 

Spanish Translator will be onsite for all meetings as well. 

Can't attend in person? Join us on ZOOM

**Please note that a lot of our volunteering opportunities happen during school hours and do require all our volunteers to have clearance through the 4J School District's Volunteer Background Check. If you are unsure about your clearance, please check with the front office. 

4J Volunteer Background Check