施設あんない Facilities

宿泊室A B C   いずれも定員2名です。




Room A B C Both rooms have a capacity of 2 people.

The use of the zashiki during Tea Class  is restricted.

The kitchen is also used by landlords, but in principle it can be used freely. In principle, self-catering is the rule. Please feel free to use the ingredients.

Wi-Fi is available.The cafeteria, study and a roomsABC are air-conditioned.

食堂  cafeteria

書斎 Study

宿泊室A  RoomA

宿泊室B  RoomB

宿泊室C RoomC

座敷 Zashiki

台所 Kitchen

浴室 Bath

トイレ Toilet

バーベキュー BBQ