Sample History-Focused PLP

For Educators

This sample PLP was created from the perspective of a student who is fictional. Some of the student work, however, was either based on work done by real students or was actual work used with the permission of students. School-based materials - such as rubrics, etc. - were, when possible, created from actual materials used in Vermont schools today.


The student who created this PLP is someone who is interested in history and social justice. She uses these interests to frame a credit-bearing independent study, to propel her to a national competition, and to inform a college search and career exploration. Throughout the PLP she connects the critical elements to academic work she's done either in class or through an independent study.

Below is a summary of what you'll find in each section of this PLP:

About Me

  • Information about who inspires this student, including video clips and a link to the Forum for Young Global Leaders;
  • Career quiz results;
  • Personality type quiz results, including a video explaining the student's personality type as well as examples of famous people with the same personality type;
  • Results from a Visual Thinking activity completed in the student's history class, using artifacts from the British Museum.

Independent Study: Goal 1

  • Student goal and link to independent Study forms;
  • Independent Study Learning Expectations and targeted C3 standards with link;
  • Action Steps;
  • Achievement of Action Steps, including a link to a student-created web site as evidence;
  • Reflection targeted to Independent Study Learning Expectations.

History Day: Goal 2

  • Student Goal and link to History Day rules;
  • Expectations and link to History Day rules, and alignment of each expectation to the students school graduation standards;
  • Action Steps, including a link to History Day rules verification sheet and embedded video “Building a Weebly Website”;
  • Achievement of Action Steps, including student process paper;
  • Reflection, including student answers to interview questions.

Careers: Goal 3

  • Student Goal, including link to video about a Montpelier High School student internship;
  • Expectations from the Vermont Portrait of a Graduate;
  • Action Steps including research links and links to VSAC career and college information;
  • Achievement of Action Steps, including research around historians who have made a difference, link to VSAC career assessment, a link to student exploration about career fields for history majors, ideas for a work-based learning exploration related to history;
  • Reflection

Careers for History Majors

This page has general information about career trends and advice for students who major in history.

Job Shadow Forms

This page holds the job shadow forms this student would have to fill out. This is part of her planning for the next school year.

Independent Study Forms

This page holds the form the student used to obtain credit through an independent study.

Resources and Attributes

This page attributes forms and resources to their source.