About Me

My teachers have been working with us and creating learning experiences for us this year to help us understand ourselves better. We do talk about this in both advisory and in some of my other classes; my history teacher is really into helping us understand our values through the study of history. Through all of these activities, I've learned that:

  • I am inspired by people who have made a difference.
  • I am action oriented and practical.
  • I have an Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging type of personality.
  • I have learned that women, and young women, have had important roles in the history of the world.

One of the young women who is currently very inspiring to me is Greta Thunberg. Greta is a young climate activist who has started a worldwide movement of children protesting for climate justice. I follow her at Twitter @GretaThunberg. Here she is speaking at the UN Climate Change COP24 Conference:

Inspired by Others

One of our history class assignments was to research young leaders who we're inspired by. I used the Forum of Young Global Leaders web site and picked one leader from each geographic region who inspired me the most. They are below. Reading about these young global leaders has made me realize that I would like to learn more about how I can pursue a career that makes a difference in the world.

Deng Adut He founded the John Mac Foundation, providing higher education scholarships to students from refugee backgrounds.

Gloria Fluxa Thienemann Her multinational tourism company operates in 30 countries with more than 100 hotels, travel agencies, tour-operators and employs over 28,000 people. She is advancing the company's approach to sustainable tourism, particularly in the area of marine and oceans preservation.

Alejandro Malgor The company he co-founded produces shoes out of discarded tires, tackling the 100,000 tons of rubber tires disposed of in Argentina every year.

Alisha Moopen As an activist to improve healthcare, she oversees 85 clinics and seven hospitals for a healthcare conglomerate spanning nine countries. She is dedicated to women's empowerment and mental health.

Career Quiz

These are the results from The Princeton Review Career Quiz, which we did in Advisory. It's funny to be in the Green category because I don't like selling things and I'm kind of introverted, but I do think that trying to make a difference in the world takes persuasion and building consensus. I would like to do more research into specific careers in the future.

Personality Type

I took an online personality test at MyCareerProject and here are my results:


Introverted: You feel energized and alive when you are deep in intellectual thought, often now aware of the world around you. Often shy when young.

Sensing: You learn about your world using your five senses – see, feel, hear, smell, taste, and feel. You focus on the facts you learn using your five senses.

Thinking: You use facts and logic to make decisions not emotions.

Judging: You judge the correctness or appropriateness of yourself and others with strong conviction or belief.

I found this video about ISTJ personality types. In addition to listing some famous ISTJs, it said that I might be good at these professions: Medical, Police/Detective, Computer Programmer, Financial Officer, Judge/Lawyer, Mechanical Engineer.

This is also a funny and interesting site: Epic List of Famous ISTJ Personalities. It's interesting to scroll through and see the famous people who are also ISTJs, but the part that is actually useful is the description of how their career fits the ISTJ personality type.

  • ISTJ politicians value working within the system and protecting their country’s traditions.
  • As planners and executors, ISTJs do well in a business environment.
  • ISTJs, keepers of tradition, are naturally drawn to religious institutions.
  • ISTJs make excellent coaches and role players on the field.
  • ISTJs in the entertainment field are solid, reliable stars who can always turn in a good performance.
  • ISTJs can form the backbone of any well-organized military unit.
  • Musicians of the ISTJ types are hard-working and traditional.
  • ISTJs’ love for order often drives them to find ways to classify human thought and experience.

Condoleeza Rice

Evander Holyfield

George Washington

Visual Thinking

Something else that made me think about the type of person I am was an activity we did in our history class - we examines historic artifacts and were given the assignment: "If you could choose 3 of these to describe yourself, what would they be? Why?" My teacher had us look at the artifacts from the British Museum's Teaching History with 100 Objects site. The 3 artifacts I chose all symbolize women's empowerment.

Anglo-Saxon Woman's Key

These keys are believed to symbolize a woman’s authority over the home.

Aircraft Factory Worker Pass

This pass belonged to a woman who worked in a factory during World War II.

Queen Victoria's Jubilee Badge

Remembrance from the longest reigning British monarch's diamond jubilee celebration