History Day: Goal 2

I want to create a website that wins first or second place at Vermont History Day so I qualify to attend the National History Day contest.


In order to win at Vermont History Day, I need to follow all of the History Day rules so the judges give me a high score. There's a 40 page rule book that give all the details, like what I need to include on my home page, how I need to set up my bibliography, and what the judges will be looking for. I made a mistake last year when I uploaded my bibliography so the judges couldn't see it. I lost a lot of points and didn't win because the judges marked me off for not having the bibliography where it should be. If I follow all the rules and create a good website, I have a better chance of winning at the state contest so I can go to the national contest in Maryland. (The web site I created can be found under Goal 1 on my PLP, but you can link to it here as well.)


Vermont History Day criteria for websites (from HD Rule Book):

1. Historical Quality (60%)

a. Website is historically accurate; b. Website shows analysis and interpretation; c. Website places topic in historical context; d. Website shows wide research; e. Website uses available primary sources; f. Website has balanced research

These relate to my school's Graduation Standards of a. Use evidence and reasoning to effectively support ideas or solutions; b. Identify main and supporting ideas, patterns, trends, clues and relationships in sources of information; c. Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information and perspectives to build understanding; and d. Evaluate the accuracy, bias, and usefulness of information.

2. Relation to annual theme - Conflict and Compromise in History (20%)

a. Website clearly relates the topic to the theme; b. Website demonstrates significance of topic in history and draws conclusions

3. Clarity of Presentation (20%)

a. Website and process paper are original, clear, appropriate, organized and articulate; b. Website has visual impact, uses multimedia effectively and actively involves viewer

These relate to my school's Graduation Standards of a. Understand and use discipline-specific vocabulary; b. Demonstrate organized and purposeful communication; c. Adjust communication to suit the purpose, context, and audience; d. Demonstrate standard conventions of expression including oral, written, performed, and emerging technologies; e. Participate and collaborate effectively and respectfully to enhance the learning environment.

4. Website complies with all rules (https://www.nhd.org/sites/default/files/Contest-Rule-Book.pdf)

Action Steps

  1. Finish website for independent study credit (see Goal 1). I will watch the instructional video below to help.

  2. Complete the History Day website rules verification sheet: https://www.nhd.org/sites/default/files/Website-Rules-Verification-Sheet.pdf

  3. Check to make sure that the website clearly explains the connection to the theme

  4. Compete in Vermont History Day

Achievement of Action Steps

I actually achieved my goal - I won first place in the state competition and was able to go to the National History Day competition! It was am amazing experience!

My process paper, required for the project, is also a good way to explain how I achieved the goal/actions steps. A process paper explains: 1) how you chose your topic; 2) how you conducted your research; 3) how you selected your presentation category and created your project; and 4.) how your project relates to the NHD theme.

HD Process Paper 2.pdf


In creating this project, I have developed an enormous admiration for people who dedicate their lives in promotion of global stability. I admire how they choose to speak out about topics that create conflict in our society. I applaud their determination to raise awareness around issues in order to reach compromises that improve society. Williams’ resolute capabilities as an activist brought together a global movement that orchestrated international compromise over the conflict originating from landmines, and the ICBL’s success was in no small part due to their coordinator, who was unwilling to let convictions slip in the face of conflicting governmental agendas.

We were given a survey about participating in History Day, and here are some of my answers to the questions:

What did you like about it?

I enjoyed the creative aspect. It isn't boring...you test yourself by doing something cool like making a website or a documentary. I liked becoming an expert on a topic of my choice was really motivating. Also, just being part of the contest was great. I liked watching the other groups’ presentations.

What advice would you give to someone starting a NHD project?

Research a lot, and get more evidence than you think you will actually need. Pick a topic that actually interests you, and actually pick a type of presentation (like creating a web site) that also interests you. This will make it interesting and fun. And don't procrastinate!

Would you recommend going to the National History Day Competition?

I would definitely advise next year’s students to compete in the NHD competition. It was an awesome experience; one that will stay with me for a really long time.