The Beginning of our Historical Journey

Greetings readers! We at the Historical Review hope everyone is having a productive Autumn quarter and are excited to share what we have been up to for the last month or so. And more importantly, we are thrilled to announce some exciting new changes and additions to our work; all of which you will start to see over the next few weeks.

Over the last two weeks, the Historical Review team has fully onboarded and begun work on the 2022-2023 volume. After the first all-team meeting that included a roadmap for the rest of the school year and some requisite icebreakers, both the leadership team and the editorial board met internally. The leadership team began to plan out the remainder of the year and discussed what this blog would look like, while the editorial board went through training and began to prepare for submissions.

We also have much more exciting announcements regarding some changes to the Historical Review! The first of these changes is that the blog that your eyes currently rest upon will have consistent posts and updates throughout the school year. In addition to announcements about the journal itself, look out for interviews with professors, historical projects, a look inside the honors program, and much, much more. We are encouraging our members to take on fun, history-based projects to make the Historical Review a year-long historical journey.

Second, to build off the more active blog, we will be posting bi-weekly updates from the team as a whole, where we tackle a question revolving around history. Whether it be our favorite classes, favorite professors, or anything else, we will give our readers an insight into the opinions of the team as a whole.

And lastly, we are excited to announce that we are implementing an early round of priority submissions to the journal. Starting in early January, students will be able to send in their papers early and receive priority status before our general submissions later in the year. Be on the lookout for this to be expounded upon in the future.

Hopefully, this has gotten you sufficiently excited for the next six months of the Historical Review. We are excited to start publishing more as the quarter quickly rushes to a close. Good luck everyone with the rest of your quarter and we hope you continue to read the blog in the future!