Priority Submissions due in ONE WEEK

Hello Historians!

We at the Historical Review hope everyone had a fantastic break and are excited to get back to work this winter quarter. But before we can start editing, we have one last important announcement.

Priority submissions for this year’s issue of the Historical Review are due in ONE WEEK. As we’ve explained before, by submitting now, you get preferential selection and placement in the paper, as well as the ability to work closely with our wonderful editing team.

Reminder that all submissions must be at least 10 double-spaced pages long without a bibliography. You may also include a 250-word abstract at the beginning, but it is fully optional. All citations should be in Chicago style. To submit, email your paper to with the subject line “Paper Submission”. Also, include your name, year, major, and email address, as well as the course, instructor, quarter, and year if the paper was written for a class. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email us and we will be happy to help.

The submissions we have already received are fantastic and we are super excited to see everything else that our student body has written. As always, be on the lookout for more fun blog posts, personal projects, and paper deadlines in the future, all posted right here on the Historical Review Blog.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful start to your winter quarter!