The Highlander Statistics Society (HiSS) aims to bring together students who are interested in statistics across various disciplines. The club was founded in Spring 2010 and has been a consistent source of assistance and opportunity for undergraduates. HiSS works to promote academic achievement by fostering a supportive environment where students can learn and collaborate together. Club activities include R and Python coding workshops, social events, community service, and participation in the annual Datafest competition. For more information visit

I made a board with the TPA3110D2, and it presents a high level of constant white noise hiss. If I short the input to GND, the noise disappears, but I'm not sure what to do to reduce the noise level. I've tried the board connecting it to a motherboard, and supplying it power from the same source. If the power comes from a different adapter than the motherboard, the noise is significantly reduced. The gain is set to 20dB

Hiss Kpnklr Indir


I recently got a new Kemper after a lot of deliberating! Absolutely loving it but one thing that is annoying me is this problem with hiss i cant seem to get rid of. I've attached a recording of it, you'll notice it around the 4/5k region and this is with the noise gate on the Kemper all the way up to 7. it happens when Im playing straight into headphones and when recording.

It happens for both my strat and tele - I've taken my guitars to a friend who has a kemper and it doesnt happen when I'm using his. Also Ive taken my Kemper around to another friends and used his tele on it - no hiss! Starting to think it might have something to do with the room I'm working in but it still happens when no lights are on?? Im dumbfounded and would appreciate any help as it is really getting in the way of me getting the most out of my kemper. Thanks!

Thanks guys, so when the noise gate is at 0 you can hear the hiss. When i put it up to 7ish it gets rid of the hiss but when i start playing the hiss comes through the audio. Cables I've tried a few and the problem still persists. I've actually just plugged my guitar into my AC15 Amp which i hadn't done and I get the same hiss so I'm pretty certain now its something to do with my new flat. Just tried switching off the refrigerator - not that either!

I opened a song a heard a low hiss. I checked the tracks and some of the tracks were showing low level volume on the VU. See picture. I created new tracks and brought file over to the new track which corrected the problem for a minute and then the hiss came back. Thoughts?


I experience a quite noticeable hiss from my A50+ when i listen to rather quient parts of music independent of the source (almost no hiss if no music at the input- guess there is a treshold). Any idea whats the main cause of that and how I could fix it - power supply, amp hardware (e.g. decoupling capacitors) or anything I could maybe fix via the ACP workbench (i use EQ)?

I have the version of the A50+ with the TPA3116 configuration.

Would be great if you guys maybe have an idea where to look first.

Personally I'm deploring the lack of a 3.5mm audio socket on my new Samsung Galaxy A54. I'm still trying to find a decently priced USB-C 3.5mm adapter that works without background noise. My night-time earbuds are only basic 20 ones, so no point spending any more than a tenner or so on an adapter that does what the phone should do anyway. I listen to music at very low levels at night (about 5% volume on the phone) and every adapter I've tried so far has some level of annoying background hiss. Samsung's official one is awful, horrible noise and it even keeps cutting out at close-to-zero volumes. Ugreen's is fine for daytime use, but there is still a faint hiss in the silence of the night. Apple's is just too quiet to be useful at all (known design issue when used with Android devices apparently). Some of them offered high-res, some didn't (or it didn't work fully). If anyone knows of a completely hissless USB-C adapter (even at very volumes, similar to the original onboard audio from my previous A70 phone) I'd love to hear about it.

@andrewilley look for with SNR more than 100db I've VE Abigail Pro it has 120db SNR no hiss i hear you may go for DAC chip of cirrus logic they've 120db SNR plenty of chi-fi company making this chip dongle not expensive either

I tried a Stouchi ST-Y3 which Amazon stated offered 120db S/N, with a Realtek 4030 chip and sample rates up to 384KHz. But I think they lied, as the Stouchi page offers no such info and states a Conexant chip with max 96kHz (which is also what PA reports as the USB output device). Low level hiss still significantly audible anyway, although sounding more like electronic circuit noise than the more traditional white-noise hiss I hear on the UGreen (which PA reports as "KT USB Audio"). I'll keep trying...

But after the test, I can't hear a hiss or any noise from the headset, both in minimum level of volume, using PA and output set in 32bits 96khz, but the actual volume I'm hearing from soundcard would be a bit higher than 3.5mm headset.

Yeah, I've been searching a lot online for info on this and it does seem to be a general problem. I could use any from 3+ 3.5mm earbuds on my old phone and there was no audible hiss at all (OK, so quality wasn't great either, but for 20 you can get quite acceptable results) but now I have to use an adapter and none so far have been anywhere near as good as the onboard socket on my old device. Bluetooth is the same, they all seem to have a low-level background hiss, presumably from the integrated analogue audio amps running.

I don't think the A54 has analogue audio pass-through on the USB-C port - I wish it did! These adapters all seem to be doing the D-to-A conversion within the dongle. Same hiss when I test it on a PC too. It's very low level, I probably wouldn't even notice it during the day with other noise around. However at night, when the room is silent, and I've got the phone volume set to about 5% (6-8 out of 150 steps) you can clearly hear it whenever the dongle is plugged in, regardless of whether anything is playing or not (that varies a bit from cable to cable; one of them clearly shut down the output stage when there was nothing playing).

Anyway, I forgot that there's no passthrough option in PA, so I tried the same adapter via HiBy Music, and yes, still no hiss or anything else, tried different kinds of music and no background noise in my listening. Maybe you could have a test in HiBy next time, the answers are the same to me though.

So as an update to this saga, my Cirrus CS46L41 based cable has arrived from Aliexpress, and it sounds very nice - much more rounded sound than the other adapters I had tried, and much less hiss (not silent, but better). It can go up to 384k/32-bit too, and works fine with DVC enabled.

Alger Hiss, in the forty-six years he lived after his perjuryconviction,never departed from his claim of innocence. Even after thereleasein the mid-1990s of the Venonacables, intercepted communications from Soviet agents in the UnitedStates to Moscow that seem to identify Hiss ("ALES") as a Soviet agentwho continued to support the Communism cause through his work at the1945Yalta Conference, many of Hiss's supporters remained unpersuaded of hisguilt. Writing in the New York Observer in 2001, Ron Rosenbaumoffereda theory for what Leslie Fiedler called "the half-deliberateblindnessof so many decent people." Rosenbaum noted that Hiss's supportersoften cite as a reason for their belief in his innocence the very factthat Hiss continued to insist upon his innocence and encourage"generationsof researchers, volunteers, and true devote a good partof their lives to him and his cause." Rosenbaum offered thissummaryof their central argument: "You don't think that he would havegottenall these people to work on the case if he wasn'tinnocent?" Rosenbaum's own explanation for Hiss's refusal to admit guilt was quitedifferent. Rosenbaum saw Hiss as "proud" of having maintained hisinnocence, even if it meant "stringing along his well-meaningdefenders,"because he still believed the cover-up of his work for the Soviets was"a principled necessity."

I have an problem. I played for years with hx stomp live, connecting it with a poweramp, and running it through a cab. Had no problems. But now i bought a Marshall JVM410h and wanted to connect it with hx stomp with 4cbl method. And i get a exesive hiss. Even when i connect it just in front of the amp. But when i put it in analog bypass the hissing stops. How to solve this.

Yes. When i play, you cant hear the hissing, only when theres silence. The levels are the same, i can even turn the hx volume all the way down, and it still hisses. Even if i set ot to dsp bypass it hisses. 2351a5e196

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