Externally Funded Research Projects
"Second Aarhus Workshop on Strategic Interaction in Corporate Finance" (PI; granted DKK 66'000)
The Carlsberg Foundation supports the Second Aarhus Workshop on Strategic Interaction in Corporate Finance, Aarhus, August 18-20, 2024.
Keynote speakers:
Itay Goldstein (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
Mike Burkart (London School of Economics)
"Debt valuation and strategic interaction" (PI; granted DKK 2,847,650)
International partners: Christian Hilpert (Sun-Yat-sen University) and Alexander Szimayer (Hamburg University)
Expert panel:
Christopher Hennessy (London Business School)
David Lando (Copenhagen Business School)
Andrey Malenko (Boston College)
Marliese Uhrig-Homburg (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Partly funded by project: Matthias Lassak (Aarhus University)
Duration: 01/01/2021 → 31/12/2024
Funded by The Independent Research Fund Denmark
Project workshop: Aarhus Workshop on Strategic Interaction in Corporate Finance, Aarhus, August 14-15, 2023
"The Information Value of Distress" (Management Science 2024)
"Efficiency Implications of Knowledge Generation: Private Versus Public Firms" (WP)
"Bankruptcy Prediction with Incomplete Accounting Information" (WP)
"I (Don't) Care about Your Belief: Managerial Overoptimism and Discretionary Disclosure" (WP)
"Wait, What? The Consequences of Not Disclosing Feedback-Stimulating Information" (WP)
"Voluntary Disclosure, Price Informativeness, and Efficient Investment" (WP)
"The Firm's Life Cycle -- Investment and Financing Decisions"
Joint with Christian Riis Flor (PI) and Alexander Schandlbauer (both SDU)
International partner: Evgeny Lyandres (Tel Aviv University)
Duration: 01/01/2019 → 30/09/2021
Funded by Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education (International Network Programme)
"The Credit Ratings Game - revisited" (PI; granted EUR 10,000)
Funded by Europlace Institute of Finance, 2011
“Credit Rating Dynamics and Competition” (Journal of Banking & Finance 2014)