


Here my publications are organized according to the languages and language groups: (1) Cherokee/Iroquoian, (2) Zapotec, (3) Mèphàà/Tlapanec, Mixtec and Otomanguean languages, (4) languages of the Americas in general, and (5) general linguistics and other languages.

1. Works on Cherokee, Iroquoian

2016. Tone and accent in Oklahoma Cherokee. Oxford Studies of Endangered Languages Series. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198739449.001.0001

In preparation. Hiroto Uchihara & Christian Koops. Complexity and polyfunctionality of Cherokee aspectual inflection. 

2024 (In press). Cherokee s-preaspiration at the phonetics-phonology interface. Asian and African Languages and Linguistics 

2024. Constituency in Oklahoma Cherokee. In Ch. 3 of Adam Tallman, Sandra Auderset  & Hiroto Uchihara eds., Constituency and Convergence in the Americas. Language Science Press. 

2022.  Hiroto Uchihara & Christian Koops. Cherokee Discourse Transcription. Recordings and transcriptions deposited to the American Philosophical Society and University of Washington

2019. Michael Barrie & Hiroto Uchihara (both first authors). Iroquoian languages. In Daniel Siddiqi, Michael Barrie, Carrie Gillon, Jason Haugen and Eric Mathiew eds., Routledge Handbook of North American Languages, 424-451. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781315210636

2018. Phonological and morphological constituent structures of Cherokee verbs. Festschrift for Professor Tōru Hayasi. Tokyo University Linguistics Papers, 39: 287-320. DOI: 10.15083/00074545

2017. Review of Montgomery-Anderson, Brad.  2015. “Cherokee Reference Grammar”.  Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.  xx +515 pp. International Journal of American Linguistics 83.4: 746-749. DOI: 10.1086/692979.

2014. Noun incorporation in Cherokee revisited. International Journal of American Linguistics, 80.1: 5-38. DOI: 10.1086/674159

2013.  Tone and Accent in Oklahoma Cherokee. Ph.D. dissertation, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York. 

2013. Study of Cherokee Tones. Recordings deposited to the American Philosophical Society.

2009. High tone in Oklahoma Cherokee. International Journal of American Linguistics, 75.3: 317-336. DOI: 10.1086/604703

2007. Laryngeal Alternation, Laryngeal Metathesis and aspirated consonants in Oklahoma Cherokee. Tokyo University Linguistic Papers, 26: 49-72.

2007. Cherokee Phonology and Verb Morphology. MA thesis, the University of Tokyo. 

2005. チェロキー語のアスペクト接辞:動詞の意味との関係を中心に [Aspect suffixes in Cherokee: with special focus on the relation with verbal semantics (in Japanese)]. University of Tokyo, manuscript.

2. Works on Zapotec

Ambrocio Gutiérrez, Hiroto Uchihara, Ana María Gutiérrez Martínez, Domingo Gutiérrez Mendoza & Luis Antonio González. 2020. Vocabulario mínimo del Zapoteco de Teotitlán del Valle. Material para el estudio y la enseñanza-aprendizaje de esta lengua. Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM.

Under contract. Ambrocio Gutiérrez & Hiroto Uchihara (both first authors). A Grammar of Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec. Mouton Grammar Library.

In preparation. Roberto Padilla Pérez & Hiroto Uchihara. Mběw nu mbelɨ́'n ‘Cuento del coyote y el conejito’ (el zapoteco de Santiago Apóstol).  

In preparation. Rising tone in Central Valley Zapotec. 

2024. Ambrocio Gutiérrez & Hiroto Uchihara. Words as emergent constituents in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec. In Ch. 7 of Adam Tallman, Sandra Auderset & Hiroto Uchihara eds., Constituency and Convergence in the Americas. Language Science Press. 

2022. Ambrocio Gutiérrez, Hiroto Uchihara & Ausencia López Cruz. Morphosyntactically conditioned tone change in Central Zapotec. International Journal of American Linguistics 88.3: 325 - 359. DOI: 10.1086/719845

2021. La pérdida de la vocal átona en el zapoteco central. In Francisco Arellanes and Lilián Guerrero eds., Estudios lingüísticos y filológicos en lenguas indígenas mexicanas. Celebración por los 30 años de Seminario de Lenguas Indígenas, 347 – 393. Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM.

2021. Clusters vs units in Otomanguean languages: the cases of Tlapanec and Zapotec. Cuadernos de Lingüística De El Colegio De México 8: 1-57. DOI:10.24201/clecm.v8i0.224

2021. Hiroto Uchihara & Ambrocio Gutiérrez. Teotitlán Zapotec: an activizing language. Linguistic Typology 25.2: 257-301. The final version available at DOI: 10.1515/lingty-2020-2058

2020. Hiroto Uchihara & Ambrocio Gutiérrez. Subject and agentivity in Teotitlán Zapotec. Studies in Language 44.3: 548 – 605 (published online in 2020, 1-58), DOI: 10.1075/sl.18025.uch 

2020. Hiroto Uchihara & Ambrocio Gutiérrez. Open and closed mid-front vowels in Teotitlán Zapotec. Phonological Data & Analysis 2.7: 1-22.  DOI: 10,3765/pda.v2art7.42 

2019. Hiroto Uchihara & Ambrocio Gutiérrez. El texto Don Crescencio: ilustración del sistema tonal del zapoteco de Teotitlán del Valle. Tlalocan XXIV: 127-153. DOI: 10.19130/iifl.tlalocan.2019.487

2016. Tone and registrogenesis in Quiaviní Zapotec. Diachronica 33.2: 220-254. DOI: 10.1075/dia.33.2.03uch

2016. Hiroto Uchihara & Gabriela Pérez Báez. Fortis/lenis, glides and vowels in Quiaviní Zapotec. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 1(1): 27. 1–24, DOI: 10.5334/gjgl.13 

3. Works on Mè'phàà/Tlapanec, Mixtec and other Otomanguean languages

In preparation. Hiroto Uchihara & Gregorio Tiburcio Cano. A Grammar Sketch of Huehuetepec Tlapanec (Mè'phàà Vátháá). Textbook for Intensive Language Courses, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa.

Submitted. Hiroto Uchihara & Oscar Cornelio Tiburcio. Rasgos laríngeos en el mè'pàà. In Francisco Arellanes, Mario Hernández Luna & Fidel Hernández Mendoza eds., Rasgos laríngeos en lenguas indomexicanas.  

Submitted. Natalia Kuznetsova, Oscar Cornelio Tiburcio and Hiroto Uchihara. Stress-induced lengthening of pre- and post-tonic syllables: implications for the theory and typology of metrical prominence. 

Accepted. 「トラパネク語の声調拡張と声調有標性」『音声研究』

2024. Hiroto Uchihara & Oscar Cornelio Tiburcio.  El cuento 'fin del mundo' en el Mè'pàà de la Ciénaga del Sauce, Guerrero. Tlalocan 29.1:  63-92, DOI: 10.19130/iifl.tlalocan.2024.1.0001S0W698X23

2023.  Hiroto Uchihara & Oscar Cornelio Tiburcio.  Special issues: Tlapanec (Mè'pàà) of la Ciénega de Sauce, Guerrero. Journal of the Institute of Language Research, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 27: 825-903.

2022. Hiroto Uchihara & Juana Mendoza Ruiz. Minimality, maximality and perfect prosodic word in Alcozauca Mixtec. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 40: 599-649 (published online in 2021, 1-51), DOI: 10.1007/s11049-021-09517-y. The published version also available here.

2022. Hiroto Uchihara & Gregorio Tiburcio Cano. Foot-based allomorphy in Tlapanec (Mè’phàà). Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 60.1: 83-122. DOI: 10.1515/ling-2020-0108

2021. Clusters vs units in Otomanguean languages: the cases of Tlapanec and Zapotec. Cuadernos de Lingüística De El Colegio De México 8: 1-57. DOI:10.24201/clecm.v8i0.224

2020. Hiroto Uchihara & Gregorio Tiburcio Cano. A phonological account of Tlapanec (Mè’phàà) tonal alternation. Journal of Linguistics 56.4: 807-863 (published online in 2019, 1-57), DOI: 10.1017/S002222671900032X

2020. 「ことばの迷い道:世界で一番(?)複雑な声調体系を持つ言語」。『月間みんぱく』、大阪:国立民族博物館。[The language which has the world’s most (?) complex tonal system. Gekkan Mimpaku. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. (In Japanese)]

4. Works on languages of the Americas in general

2024 (in press). Adam Tallman, Sandra Auderset  & Hiroto Uchihara eds., Constituency and Convergence in the Americas. Language Science Press.  The proofs are downloadable here

2024 (In press).  Auderset, Sandra, Caroline de Becker, Gladys Camacho Rios, Eric W. Campbell, Javier Carol, Minella Duzerol, Patience Epps, Ambrocio Gutiérrez, Cristian R. Juárez, Magdalena Lemus Serrano, Stephen Francis Mann, Taylor L. Miller, Shun Nakamoto, Zoe Poirier Maruenda, Andrés Salanova, Hiroto Uchihara, Natalie Weber, Anthony C. Woodbury, Dennis Wylie & Adam J. R. Tallman. Constituency and convergence in the Americas – Results and discusión. In Ch. 17 of Adam Tallman, Sandra Auderset & Hiroto Uchihara eds., Constituency and Convergence in the Americas. Language Science Press.  The proofs are downloadable here

2023. Tone. In Ch. 3 of Carmen Jany, Keren Rice and Marianne Mithun eds., The Languages and Linguistics of North America: A comprehensive Guide. The World of Linguistics Series, Volume 13, 63-87. Mouton de Gruyter. DOI: 10.1515/9783110600926-003

2021. 「消滅した言語」。関雄二(編)、『ラテンアメリカ文化事典』、東京:丸善。[Extinct languages. In Seki, Yūji ed. Latin America bunka jiten. Tokyo: Maruzen. (In Japanese)]

2021. 「アメリカ大陸の歴史言語学」。関雄二(編)、『ラテンアメリカ文化事典』、東京:丸善。[Historical linguistics in the American continent. In Seki, Yūji ed. Latin America bunka jiten. Tokyo: Maruzen. (In Japanese)]

2018 - 2020. Tlalocan vols. XXIV and XXV. Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM (edited with Lilián Guerrero (vol. XXIV), Carolyn O’Meara (vol. XXV)).

2016. Reseñas de “Entre cuerdas y velo: estudios fonológicos de lenguas otomangues”, Herrera Zendejas, Esther ed. (2012), El Colegio de México, y “Tono, acento y estructuras métricas en lenguas mexicanas”, Herrera Zendejas, Esther ed. (2015), El Colegio de México. Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México 3.1: 201-212. DOI: 10.24201/clecm.v3i1.30

5. Works on other languages and general linguistics

In preparation. 「音韻論」。『初めての言語学』、東京:有斐閣

In preparation. 「音声学」。『初めての言語学』、東京:有斐閣

Submitted. Ryan Bennett & Hiroto Uchihara. A consumer's guide to tonal underspecification.

2021. Naonori Nagaya & Hiroto Uchihara. Language games and phonology in Tagalog. Asian and African Languages and Linguistics 15: 9-20. DOI: 10.15026/99893

2015.「名詞抱合」。斎藤純男、田口善久、西村義樹 (編)、『明解言語学辞典』、東京: 三省堂。p. 216. [Noun incorporation. In Saitō, Yoshio, Yoshihisa Taguchi and Yoshiki Nishimura eds. Mēkai gengogaku jiten. Tokyo: Sansēdō. p. 216 (In Japanese)]

2015.「名詞クラス」。斎藤純男、田口善久、西村義樹 (編)、『明解言語学辞典』、東京: 三省堂。pp. 214-215. [Noun class. In Saitō, Yoshio, Yoshihisa Taguchi and Yoshiki Nishimura eds. Mēkai gengogaku jiten. Tokyo: Sansēdō. pp. 214-215 (In Japanese)]

2015.「複合」。斎藤純男、田口善久、西村義樹 (編)、『明解言語学辞典』、東京: 三省堂。p. 193. [Compounding. In Saitō, Yoshio, Yoshihisa Taguchi and Yoshiki Nishimura eds. Mēkai gengogaku jiten. Tokyo: Sansēdō. p. 193 (In Japanese)]

2009. Pronominals in Edo. University at Buffalo, manuscript.