Conference presentations

Conferencias, ponencias


1. Works on Cherokee

2023. Documentation of Oklahoma Cherokee. Online Linguistics Seminar, Department of Linguistics, Hong Kong University. September 21 (online).

2023. Cherokee s-preaspiration at the phonetics-phonology interface. Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives, ILCAA. February 20 (online)

2022. Chris Koops, Roy Boney and Hiroto Uchihara. A new Cherokee dictionary project. High Desert Linguistics Society 15. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, November 13.

2022. Chris Koops, Roy Boney and Hiroto Uchihara. A new Cherokee dictionary project. Workshop on Lexicography in Indigenous Languages of the Americas. University of Ottawa, Ottawa. October 14.

2021. Hiroto Uchihara & Christian Koops. Complexity and variation in Cherokee aspectual suffix inflection. The 25th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas. May 29 (online).

2021. Constituency in Oklahoma Cherokee. Constituency, Wordhood, and the Morphology-Syntax Distinction: Description and Typology. MSH Lyon Saint-Étienne, Lyon, France. April 28 – 30 (online).

2020. Hiroto Uchihara & Christian Koops. Regularidad, irregularidad y variación en los sufijos de aspecto en el cheroqui (iroquesa). En Taller Internacional virtual: Reflexiones gramaticales sobre las lenguas indígenas de América: tiempo y aspecto. Instituto de Investigaciones lingüísticas y postgrado y Centro de estudiantes de la carrera de Lingüística e Idiomas. Universidad Pública de El Alto, Bolivia. November 15  (online).

2020. Hiroto Uchihara & Christian Koops . Regularity, irregularity and variation in Cherokee aspectual suffix. Linguistics Colloquium, University of Arizona. October 23 (online). 

2015. Hierarchical structure of Cherokee verbs. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Portland, OR. January 9.

2014. How tonal is an incipient tone? A case in Oklahoma Cherokee. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Minneapolis, MN. January 2-5.

2013. How tonal is an ‘incipient’ tone: a case in Oklahoma Cherokee. Friday Speaker Series, Georgetown University. Washington, D.C. November 1.

2011. Floating high tone in Oklahoma Cherokee. The CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/ Phonology Workshop. University of Toronto. Toronto, ON. June 16.

2011. Noun incorporation in Cherokee revisited. Morphology Workshop, University at Buffalo. Buffalo, NY. April 1.

2010. Tonal patterns on underived disyllabic nouns in Cherokee. 3rd Annual Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Languages. Northeastern State University. Tahlequah, OK. April 17-18.

2008. 活格型言語における主語性 -チェロキー語(北米・イロコイ語族)の事例から [Subjecthood in a language with active case-marking - a case study in Cherokee (in Japanese)]. 東京大学言語学研究発表会第六回 [The 6th Linguistics Meeting at the University of Tokyo]. The University of Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan. June 27.

2007. Lexical High Tone in Oklahoma Cherokee. Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, 10. University of California, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA. May 11-12.

2007. Lexical High Tone in Oklahoma Cherokee. 京都大学言語学演習 [Kyoto University linguistics seminar]. Kyoto University. Kyoto, Japan. December 7.

2. Works on Zapotec

2023. Hiroto Uchihara & Ambrocio Gutiérrez. Syntax-Prosody mismatches in Teotitlán Zapotec. The Second International Conference on Tone and Intonation. Singapore, November 18 – 21.

2023. 「日本語とメキシコ先住民語の自他交替」国際日本研究センター主催第38回『外国語と日本語との対照言語学的研究』研究会. March 4. 

2021. Laryngeal contrasts in Otomanguean. Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives, ILCAA. July 9 (online).

2021. Ambrocio Gutiérrez & Hiroto Uchihara. Words as emergent constituents in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec. Constituency, Wordhood, and the Morphology-Syntax Distinction: Description and Typology. MSH Lyon Saint-Étienne, Lyon, France.  April (online).

2019. Ambrocio Gutiérrez, Hiroto Uchihara & Adam James Ross Tallman. Words as emergent constituents in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec. Ninth Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America. University of Texas at Austin, TX. October 10-12.

2019. Hiroto Uchihara & Ambrocio Gutiérrez. Teotitlán Zapotec: an ‘activizing’ language. 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology. University of Pavia, Italy. September 5.

2019. Rising tone in Central Zapotec. The 5th Workshop on Sound Change. University of California, Davis. June 21 - 23.

2018. El continuo de la prominencia en el zapoteco de Teotitlán del Valle. Coloquio sobre Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinas VIII. Oaxaca City, Oaxaca. April 19.

2017. Ambrocio Gutiérrez, Hiroto Uchihara & Ausencia López Cruz. La morfosintaxis y semántica de los enclíticos adverbiales en el Zapoteco Central. VIII Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. October 26-28.

2017. Hiroto Uchihara & Ambrocio Gutiérrez. Subject and agentivity in Teotitlán Zapotec. Role and Reference Grammar 2017. Tokyo, Japan. August 3.

2016. Ambrocio Gutiérrez, Hiroto Uchihara & Ausencia López Cruz. Syntactically conditioned tone change in central Zapotec: what do subordination, relativization, focus, interrogation and negation have in common? Syntax of the World’s Languages VII. UNAM, D.F., México. August 19. 

2016. La pérdida de la vocal átona en zapoteco central. VII Coloquio de Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinas Juan José Rendón Monzón. Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México. April 9.

2016. Hiroto Uchihara & Ambrocio Gutiérrez. El sistema tonal del zapoteco de Teotitlán del Valle: ¿Por qué un sistema con dos niveles presenta tantos desafíos? Second Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America. UNAM, D.F., México. April 1.

2015. Hiroto Uchihara & Francisco Arellanes. Clases tonales en zapoteco central. VII Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. October 29.

2015. Francisco Arellanes & Hiroto Uchihara. La primera persona en la morfología verbal del zapoteco de San Pablo Güilá. El XIII Congreso Nacional de Lingüística. La Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico. October 7-10.

2015. Anti-tonogenesis in Quiaviní Zapotec. The 89th Annual Meeting of Linguistic Society of America. Portland, OR. January 10.

2015. Tone, phonation and registrogenesis in Central Zapotec. Latin American & Iberian Institute talk series. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. November 6.

2014. Hiroto Uchihara & Mark Sicoli. From overt tonal contrast to phonation and covert tonal contrast in Quiaviní Zapotec. Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America. Yale University. New Haven, CT. April 4-6.

2014. Mark Sicoli & Hiroto Uchihara. The Zapotec-Chatino Linguistic Survey: A Family-Level Language Documentation and its Application to Comparative Linguistics. Friday Speaker Series, Georgetown University. Washington, D.C. March 28.

2013. Hiroto Uchihara & Gabriela Pérez Báez. Valley Zapotec diphthongs. The Sixth Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America. The University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX. October 24-26.

3. Works on Mè'phàà/Tlapanec

2024. Do linguistic theories benefit field linguistics? Case studies from North American languages, at the public symposium “Crossroads between linguistics theories and field linguistics data" at the 168th meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan, International Christian University, Tokyo, June 30.

2023. Natalia Kuznetsova, Hiroto Uchihara and Oscar Cornelio Tiburcio. Stress-induced lengthening of pre- and post-tonic syllables: implications for the theory and typology of metrical prominence. Speech Prosody and Beyond workshop. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Seoul, June 20 – 22

2023. 「日本語とメキシコ先住民語の自他交替」国際日本研究センター主催第38回『外国語と日本語との対照言語学的研究』研究会. March 4. 

2022. 「トラパネク語の声調拡張と有標性パラドクス」The 164th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan. June 18 (online).

2022. Tlapanec verbal inflection at the phonology-morphology interface.. LAL-seminar, University of Melbourne. May 27 (online).

2022. Complex consonants in Tlapanec (Mè’phàà). University of Tokyo. April 2.

2021. Laryngeal contrasts in Otomanguean. Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives, ILCAA. July 9 (online).

2021. Otomanguean ‘inflectional tones’= ‘grammatical tones’? Princeton Phonology Forum (PɸF 2020): Tone and phonological theory. Princeton University, NJ. March 19 – March 20 (online).

2019. Tlapanec verbal inflection at the phonology-morphology interface. University of Tokyo Linguistics Colloquium. UTokyo, Tokyo, December 22.

2019. El mixteco y el tlapaneco: ¿lenguas que cuentan las moras o sílabas? La vigencia de la fonología praguense en la descripción de las lenguas mexicanas. La Coordinación Nacional de Antropología, CDMX. November 19.

2018. How much can phonology account for Otomanguean paradigm complexity? Sound System of Latin America 3. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. October 21.

4. Works on Mixtec

2021. Hiroto Uchihara & Juana Mendoza Ruiz. Minimality, Maximality and Perfect Prosodic Word in Alcozauca Mixtec. Linguistic Fieldwork Working Group, UC San Diego. May 21 (online).

2019. El mixteco y el tlapaneco: ¿lenguas que cuentan las moras o sílabas? La vigencia de la fonología praguense en la descripción de las lenguas mexicanas. La Coordinación Nacional de Antropología, CDMX. November 19.

2016. Octavio León Vázquez & Hiroto Uchihara. Patrones tonales en el mixteco de Yucuquimi. Primeras Jornadas sobre Lenguas Mixtecanas. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM. Mexico City, Mexico. September 26.

5. Works on other languages, general linugistics

2023. Ryan Bennett & Hiroto Uchihara. Subespecificación tonal: apuntes críticos. Quinta Mesa de Trabajo del Seminario Phonológica, El Colegio de México, CDMX. November 14 (online). 

2020. Naonori Nagaya & Hiroto Uchihara. Language games and phonology in Tagalog. Grammatical Studies Workshops 17: “Language games and phonology (2)”. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. Tokyo, Japan. January 24

2019. Adam James Ross Tallman, Eric Adell, Natalia Bermudez, Denis Bertet, Gladys Camacho-Rios, Eric Campbell, Javier Carol, Willem de Reuse, Patience Epps, Michael Everdell, Ambrocio Gutierrez Lorenzo, Cristian Juarez, Magadelena Lemus-Serrano, Kelsey Neely, Andres Pablo Salanova, Hiroto Uchihara, Anthony C. Woodbury and Dennis Wylie. A new typology of constituency and convergence. 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology. University of Pavia, Italy. September 4.