Photo library

16 May 2024

Poster and oral presentations by lab members at SCBS. Tann received a presentation award for her PhD work!

12 April 2024

Group photo!

25 March 2024

Veronica's QE – She successfully delivered her Qualifying Examination presentation, marking a significant milestone in her academic journey.  Well done!

28 Feb 2024

An insightful seminar by Prof. Mitsuru Morimoto from RIKEN BDR, focusing on stem cell regulation and tissue morphogenesis in murine development and regeneration. Impressed by his beautiful integration of mouse genetics, tissue imaging, and scRNA-seq analysis.

18 Jan 2024

Farewell to Haoshun – We wish you all the best in your bright future! 

Welcome Owen to our lab! We hope your time here will be fruitful and rewarding!

29 Nov 2023

Veronica and Haoshun gave their first oral talks at the TMM seminar at the MBI.  The discussion didn't stop when the seminar ended—people kept talking and sharing ideas. Good job to both!

03 Oct 2023

Aki and Shuya from Kanazawa University shared their exciting research findings with us, sparking a lively exchange of questions and discussions on the topics. We really enjoyed their energetic talks!

02 Oct 2023

Dr. Thanh (Tann) Phuong Nguyen from the National Institute for Physiological Sciences presented a seminar about the importance of tight junction membrane proteins in mechanical resistance of epithelial sheets. The preprint is available here:

It was a great talk, followed by engaging discussions!

13 Sep 2023

Prof. Masa Ikawa from Osaka University delivered a seminar at the MBI, discussing the fascinating topic of CRISPR/Cas9 mouse genome editing and its relevance to spermatology and fertilization. It was a truly fantastic talk!

21st Jul 2023

Pratiman got the best poster prize for the MBI Undergrad Summer Training (MUST) program. Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement! 

Also, kudos to his mentor Sound, whose guidance and support were totally crucial in making this happen!!

22nd Jun 2023

Farewell lunch for Abhi at Cafe on the Ridge. We are cheering for Abhi's bright future!

16th Jan 2023

Visiting of Prof. Sylvain Gabriele at University of Mons and Dr. Marine Luciano at University of Geneve

26th Jan 2023

Lab dinner with Sylvain and Marine at Violet Oon Singapore

11th Nov 2022

Lab dinner in Holland Village

3rd Nov 2022

Deepavali at MBI

6th Jul 2022

Lab setup

at the bench

Confocal microscope system

6th June 2022

1st day at MBI