What is Literature?

Before MA

What is Literature.pdf

After MA

Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.

C. S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis suggests that literature isn't just a mirror reflecting reality; it actively enhances our understanding of it. He argues that by engaging with stories, we cultivate skills crucial for navigating daily life. Literature doesn't merely depict the world, it enriches our emotional intelligence, broadens our perspectives, and deepens our understanding of human nature. This enrichment acts like a nourishing rain on the "deserts" of our everyday lives, offering a wellspring of knowledge and experiences that expand our capacity to think, feel, and connect with the world around us.

Literature has been a profound force in shaping my thoughts, perspectives, and understanding of the world around me. Through the written word, I have embarked on countless journeys, exploring diverse cultures, grappling with complex ideas, and discovering the depths of the human experience. Literature has not only broadened my horizons but has also played a pivotal role in molding my personality and nurturing my ability to think critically and empathetically. 

Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary.

Boris Pasternak

Pasternak suggests that literature's magic lies in taking the everyday lives of ordinary people and revealing the hidden depths and complexities within them. It doesn't require fantastical settings or extraordinary circumstances.  Through the power of storytelling, even the most "normal" individuals can become captivating characters facing unique challenges, overcoming obstacles, and experiencing a range of emotions. These stories resonate with us because they reflect our own experiences and emotions, even if presented in a different context.

Literature overtakes history, for literature gives you more than one life. It expands experience and opens new opportunities to readers. - Carlos Fuentes

Carlos Fuentes' assertion that "literature overtakes history" encapsulates the idea that literature provides readers with the opportunity to live multiple lives through the experiences of characters, narratives, and worlds it presents. Unlike history, which offers a singular perspective of events, literature offers diverse viewpoints, emotions, and situations, thereby expanding readers' understanding of the human condition and opening up new avenues for exploration and personal growth. By immersing oneself in literature, individuals can transcend the limitations of their own existence and gain insights into different cultures, times, and perspectives, enriching their lives in ways that history alone cannot achieve.