My Metaphor for Literature


A mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Asian cultures. It can be understood in two different ways: externally as a visual representation of the universe or internally as a guide for several practices that take place in many Asian traditions, including meditation. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the belief is that by entering the mandala and proceeding towards its center, you are guided through the cosmic process of transforming the universe from one of suffering into one of joy and happiness. 

Mandala is a powerful metaphor for literature. Just as the mandala is a symbol of the interconnectedness of all things, Literature is kind of like a giant quilt. It takes all these different pieces of human experience - love, loss, joy, fear - and stitches them together into one big story

The center of the mandala is a sacred space, a point of origin that represents the essence of the divine. In literature, this core can be represent as the human condition – the universal themes, emotions, and insights that unite us all as individuals. Just as the mandala guides the practitioner towards a deeper understanding of the self and the universe, literature invites the reader to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

The  circles and  patterns of the mandala represent the multilayered structure of literary works. Each element of a literary text the rhythm of the language, the symbolic significance of the imagery, the interplay of characters and plotlines – contributes to the holistic experience, much like the geometric shapes and colors of the mandala. As the reader navigates these intricate pathways, they are encouraged to engage with the work on a deeper level.  Just as the mandala serves as a tool for meditation and spiritual enlightenment, literature can be seen as a means of personal and collective transformation. By immersing themselves in the rich symbolism and multilayered meanings of literary works, readers can embark on a journey of self-discovery, unearthing the hidden depths of their own psyche and expanding their understanding of the human condition.

In this way, the metaphor of the mandala invites us to engage with literature in a profoundly holistic and contemplative manner. It challenges us to see beyond the surface of the text, to uncover the intricate patterns and sacred geometries that lie at the heart of the literary experience.