Our Philosophy

Better than Yesterday

The motto "Better than Yesterday" relates to the idea that no matter what happens, every day should push you forward. You might not always win or succeed, but if you learn from your mistakes you'll be better equipped to handle challenges in the future!

If there's a will, There's a way

We believe that if there is enough drive for a project, there is nothing that can prevent it from happening. We believe in working with the right people to eventually achieve all pre-set goals.

Continuous Student Engagement

The most important part of Hilton and Chima's administration will be continuous engagement with the student body. In times of uproar, we will be fielding advice and opinions in an effort to make the best decisions. In times of peace, we'll be communicating with the community attempting to both improve preventative measures as well as finding simple quality-of-life adjustments that can be pursued through SG!