Raw Pet Food

We offer goat and rabbit for raw pet food. We only sell healthy animals, never an animal that was dispatched because it was sick. All of them are antibiotic and medication free. Below are prices and descriptions of the products we offer. 


Whole Rabbits - We harvest rabbits for dog food in the 3-7 lb live weight range. Rabbits are packaged in plastic bags and can be picked-up either fresh or frozen.  These are whole rabbits fully intact, with the fur still on. They are not processed at all, but simply dispatched and bagged. We do not stock whole rabbits in the freezer, they are harvested after an order is placed. A minimum deposit is due before dispatching. The customer can choose between 2 dispatch methods, if there is a preference. $3.50/lb live weight, with a maximum per head. Discounts available on volume orders.

Rabbit Heads - Rabbit heads (minus the ears) are almost always in stock. They are packaged individually in sandwich bags and can be ordered in any quantity. $1.50 each. 10% discount on orders of 20 or more. 

Dehydrated Ears - Rabbit ears come in packages of 16 for $8. They make great little chew treats for small dogs and can be fully consumed. Available seasonally.

Dehydrated Hide - Strips of rabbit hides, dehydrated in packages of 12. Small strips $10. Large strips $16. Available seasonally.


Whole goat carcasses are available sporadically throughout the year. If you are interested in one, please contact us to be put on our notification list. We will call when we have some available. These are healthy adult animals that we choose to retire from our production program. We have ethical concerns about selling this class of livestock at the auction barn, so we prefer to sell them as raw dog food so we can control the ethical treatment of them until life-end. 

Please call for more details and processing options. 

Miscellaneous Items

We have a variety of extra organ meats like liver, heart, kidney, as well as bones and scrap meat. This can be goat, beef, pork or rabbit. This inventory is always changing. Please inquire about what is in stock.