
We have several yearling does available, as well as the bucks listed below. 

Updated pictures of the does coming soon!

Buck (yes, his name is Buck)

This video was from summer '22. He is a much bulkier buck now.

Buck 4 year old. He is a very dependable breeder and does well with large breeding groups, easily covering 25-30 does at a time. I don't like to put him in with small groups of all doelings if it is early in the breeding season because he is almost too relentless when there has been a big time gap since his last breeding group and the doelings aren't bossy enough to tell him to quit (in which case I just do a fenceline breeding and put them in with him for 2 minutes while he breeds them). He will work himself to death, so he needs grain during the breeding season. We have really gone back and forth on selling him because he is an extremely dependable buck, but we've saved so much of his progeny that he really should be sold. He is ideal for developing maternal lines, good teats and udders on his progeny. His kid's growth rate is a bit under our ideal depending on which does he is paired with, but by breeding time (10-12 months for me) they are always caught up. However, we do not push with grain, so there are no crutches for these kids to fall back on. If you're looking for a terminal buck to produce 50 lb kids in 90 days, he's not the buck for you. If you're looking to develop mild mannered maternal lines, he's a rockstar. His kids have great kidding ease, so he's very safe for first lactation doelings. He is VERY respectful of one strand of electric polywire. he will NEVER cross it, even with an doe in heat on the other side. However, if you have a flimsy physical fence with a doe on the other side, he's gonna rip it down to get to her if it's early in the fall. The rest of the year he is fine with a physical fence. He is a very calm and sweet buck. I don't hesitate to keep him in a group with kids or to let him interact with human children. He is a fullblood buck with 2x2 clean, widely spaced teats. $600


This was Lark at 1 yr.

Lark will be 2 years old in Dec '23. He bred a group of 8 does for us this year and we were very happy with his progeny. He is an ambitious breeder, but is quite gentle and doesn't knock the does around. He is friendly toward people and leads alright. Very wide & strong in the front. He has 2x2 clean, widely spaced teats. 99.98% Purebred and CAE negative test in Nov '22. We purchased him to bring in some new genetics to put on some of our older does in hopes of retaining some progeny from them. He came to us from Levi Dulmes of Dulmes Family Boer Goats. $750