Sex & Cannabis

Sex and cannabis, how to enhance your sex life naturally.

Jessica Hope

Cannabis is known to be a natural relaxer, mood enhancer and pain reducer. It only makes sense Cannabis, and sex would go hand in hand. Many people are turning to cannabis to help enhance their sex lives, bring back that spark or help relieve pain so they can enjoy sex.

What is amazing is that sex and cannabis go back thousands of years, from the Norse Goddess of Love, Freya. She used cannabis as an aphrodisiac. To ancient Egypt, when women would use cannabis during childbirth.They would apply a cannabis topical to the inside of the birth canal to ease the pain.

Scandinavian History

Around the time of 880 CE was the Viking Age and the Norse Deity Freya. Known as the goddess of love and fertility, she also was known as the protector of the Hemp and flax fields. While it is not historically noted that Freya consumed cannabis as we do in modern times, It is recorded the hemp fields were used for pagan and erotic rituals to increase fertility and crop production.

How can cannabis help?

Many women suffer from low libido from a variety of factors. It is estimated that 6.7 million people suffer from some mental health conditions in Canada. The symptoms from these conditions can cause low libido, lack of interest in intimacy, pain, and more undesirable symptoms. Cannabis is known to help reduce anxiety, so you may feel more comfortable engaging in sexual intimacy.

Cannabis causes a heightened sensation as well, giving those who struggle to orgasm a better chance at achieving a good orgasm. study conducted in 2019 on The Relationship between Marijuana Use Before Sex and Sexual Function in Women had shown us that 34% of women who participated and used cannabis before sex reported an increase in sex drive, a decrease in pain and an improvement in orgasming.

Can cannabis use affect my fertility?

From a personal standpoint, no. I was able to conceive very quickly and had a viable and healthy pregnancy. I was under the influence of cannabis and so was my then spouse when we conceived my child nine years ago. We also had no prior known fertility issues and we weren’t actively trying to get pregnant.

According to research, couples who are already struggling to conceive could be hindering their chances of conceiving due to their cannabis use. Dr. Sara IInitsky, an obstetrician who practices at a fertility clinic in London, Ontario, has been doing more research into the effects of cannabis use and fertility.

“Dr. Sara Ilnitsky, who practises at a fertility clinic in London, Ont., said some studies suggest that changes in ovulation patterns and reduced sperm motility are associated with smoking cannabis and could compound the frustrations of a couple trying to conceive.” - GlobalNews article Though she adds that research behind this is very limited and mostly made up of self-reports and people who use cannabis.

*If you’re trying to conceive and having issues, seek a medical professional so they can rule out any underlying causes.

What cannabis products do I recommend?

Lucky for us you don't need to even smoke cannabis to reap the benefits. We have a plethora of options within the recreational market in canada. From infused gummies to bathbombs and lube, there is a option for everyone. Below are my personal favourites.

White Rabbit OG White chocolate Raspberry gummies 1:1

Currently my favourite edible on the market. It is The flavours are completely unquie and compliment each other. There is no cannabis taste and they are a balanced ratio of THC to CBD. There is four pieces in the packaging, which is great for sharing with a partner. Each little square of goodness has 2.5mg of THC to 2.5mg of CBD.

Craving a relaxing bath before or after the deed? Pop in a Lavender Fizz bath bomb from Noon & Night. Infused with full spectrum CBD, this bath bomb will leave you feeling relaxed and ready for a rendezvous dans les sheets. The lavender smell is perfect and it is hypoallergenic/ synthetic colour free.

Cannabis-Infused Lubricant

You can reap the benefits of cannabis without the high. The cannabis-infused lubricant has a reported plethora of benefits, especially for women's genitalia.

When cannabis be is applied to the outer and the entrance to the vagina, users report heightened sensations making your lady bits more sensitive to touch. It is also known to help stimulate your natural lubrication and enhance orgasms. Many women say they can achieve multiple orgasms or are finally able to orgasm during sex with a partner.

It is recommended to achieve the best results, apply the cannabis lube 15 minutes before intercourse to enjoy the full benefits. Use it as a foreplay method before the deed.

Many women are intrigued by this cannabis magic for a plethora of reasons, pain being the most common reason. THC can absorb topically and soothe sore and sensitive areas so you can enjoy sex again.

Let me introduce you to PROOFLY topicals, Cannabis infused lube. This topical is water-based making it safe for condom use and with sex toys. Some infused lubricants are oil based! Always check the ingredients before use.

Cannabis lube isn’t just for couples! You can use it solo and still enjoy the benefits.


Sex and cannabis have a deep history. Many couples use cannabis to literally enhance their sex life and bring back the fire. Sex is a natural act, and when it happens between two consenting adults, it can be a beautiful and pleasurable act for both parties participating.Cannabis can naturally spark your sex life while providing medical benefits and relaxing you.Instead of reaching for the bottle of wine, switch it up and try an edible or share a joint! l be relaxed with no wine hangover the next day.