Get High to Get Healthy

Get High to Get Healthy

How to Balance Your Endocannabinoid System for Overall Wellness

By: Laura Connelly, Cannabis Health Coach

To find wellness through cannabis, you must first get to know the Endocannabinoid system. What the hell is the Endocannabinoid System? Glad you asked; here's a simplified breakdown.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a master system within the body tasked with maintaining homeostasis or balance, among all of the other systems. That's a big. 'effing. deal.

Within the ECS are endocannabinoids that bind to receptors and are broken down by enzymes. The two most notorious endocannabinoids are 2AG and Anandamide, the latter often referred to as the bliss molecule due to its ability to improve mood. The body creates endocannabinoids in response to internal and external stimuli, both positive and negative. However, our overly stressed, chronically medicated, processed food-loving tendencies get in the way of proper ECS functioning.

But what if I told you that you could harness the power of your Endocannabinoid System to feel better physically and mentally?

As luck would have it, that's exactly what I'm telling you. Nurturing this system is the key to overall wellness and we each benefit from doing so.

I know, that's great and all but how? I hear you and I got you.

The goal is to improve your ECS tone or its ability to bring balance to your body. Cannabis and cannabinoid medicine are significant components but not the only ones. It's also important to eat real food and supplement with adaptogens, engage in enjoyable movement on a regular basis, and build healthy relationships with people who help you rise up.

Cannabis- look past the labels of indica/sativa and start finding the cannabinoids and terpenes that best serve your needs. Want a daytime bud to help with your energy levels and focus? Look for cannabis with limonene and pinene. Want to fend off anxiety? Find a high CBD, low THC option.

Eat real food- aim to eat foods in their whole form and put your focus on plant-based eating. Be sure to get sufficient omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in hemp seeds. Consider adding fermented foods like kimchi and kefir to your diet as well.

Adaptogens- these are herbs and mushrooms that provide balance in the body. Also like cannabis, they can help reduce the effects of internal and external stressors we face daily.

Enjoyable movement- for at least 30 minutes a day, move your body in a way you look forward to. Extra stress from forcing a workout won't benefit your ECS.

Healthy relationships- it's no secret that having a support system can boost your mood and sense of belonging but it's also important to surround yourself with people who will challenge you and help you grow.

Other activities that can soothe the ECS include sleeping, yoga, detoxing, mindfulness, and meditation.

Consider this list your toolbox, each one is a tool to use in order to balance your body systems and feel true mental and physical wellness. But has anyone taught you how to use these tools? And will adding them all to your ever-growing to-do list make them stick?

Probably not.

Working with a Cannabis Health Coach teaches you to integrate these wellness tools into your lifestyle in a way that sticks and leaves you feeling empowered. Some tips to get you started:

  • Tackle one goal at a time, giving it your focus and energy until it becomes natural. Then add your next goal.

  • Track and journal when you can, noting patterns that emerge. If you struggle with sleep, track those patterns and habits. If it's eating worries, track them. And tracking cannabis use is crucial if you want to find the cannabinoids and terpenes that produce your desired effects.

  • Lastly, start low and go slow when it comes to plant medicine. You don't want to miss your dosage sweet spot.

If you'd like to work with me or have any questions, please reach out.

Keep blazing & stay amazing!

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Instagram: @GingerGanjaGoddess