The Venue


HIE Wekcome Region
HIE Auditorium

HIE WELCOME: Participants arrive on the HIE Welcome sim, where they can get information about the upcoming events, read the biographies of the presenters, join the inworld language Group that best meets their language needs, and pick up free gift items.

 Once fully rezzed and in "HIE mode", it's time to go through one of the three portals that will teleport you directly to the auditorium sims.

A fourth portal takes presenters and performers to the Stage region, which is reserved for group members only.

HIE Wekcome Region
HIE Auditorium

HIE AUDITORIUM: The main auditorium is made up of 4 contiguous sims, three of them open to the audience and laid out in a café style. Share a table with friends, or make some new acquaintances, that's the spirit of opensim.

Because the Speaker's podium is in the center for all to see, all three Auditorium regions are close to the speakers, and will be able to enjoy the art performances from their seats. It's going to be spectacular!

This region features the HIE Tree, a symbol of the event. From one trunk, representing the Opensimulator code, come forth many branches and foliage, in the shape of grids, regions, and creativity. Each part is individual, but it is all linked together by the hypergrid community.

Getting Here

An online, inworld event

The Hypergrid International Expo is an Opensim event. You can reach Craft grid from any hypergrid enabled grid.

In accordance with European Law, Craft Grid asks you to recognize the TOS of the grid before your first visit.

 if you are new to virtual worlds,  why not make a local avatar, use this link to sign up as a citizen of Craft. It's free!