Create Your Own Hideout [Bed]

  1. Select BP_Bed

2. Create Child Blueprint

Right click 

3. Select SM_Bed_Frame

Open your new blueprint from point 2.

4. Change static mesh

5. Hide unused meshes

destroy on construction script

6. Select SM_Bed_Frame

7. Update location z

you can place it on level and try till you get a good location

8. Update CollBox_Out location

location where player can interact

9. Update Widget location

find a good location so you can see it when you are able to interact.

10. Update location

again, you can test different locations

11. Open your mesh

and select collision-> Auto Convex Collision

chose higher values and click apply

Make sure you have enough space for the player to hide.
Test different locations for (location_in & location_out).