Sometimes the person with the hidden agenda doesn't even know which option they are supposed to want. For example one person had "get detective x to talk about her past" the options were" "he says I misplaced evidence" and "he's got a stick up his ass". Apparently "he's got a stick up his ass" was the correct answer for that agenda. Who the fuck knows why

As we all experience this uncertain economic terrain, think about your objectives and what you want to accomplish each day. Are your intentions self-centered? Do you share them with your colleagues? Do they impact the healthier whole or just your own hidden agenda?

Hidden Agenda Ep 6 Download


Step back and look around your organization. Are the objectives of the organization in alignment with the intentions of its leaders? Or, is your company being led by hidden agendas that must be revealed in order for the organization to grow and prosper?

Before 2020, all items on the agenda of an NPCSC session, save for late submissions, were made public by the first day of the session at the latest. Here is how the process has usually worked: The NPCSC generally meets every two months, and its sessions are convened by the Council of Chairpersons, a powerful decision-making body headed by the NPCSC chairman (currently Li Zhanshu). Except for emergency sessions, the council must meet to call an NPCSC session at least seven days in advance. The official Xinhua News Agency has always published readouts of these council meetings on the same day. Each readout includes a proposed list of bills to be reviewed at the upcoming NPCSC session. The readout is the earliest occasion for publicly disclosing the agenda of an NPCSC session.

To be sure, public comments on the hidden legislation would likely have resulted in, at most, only modest improvements. Indeed, those five bills were hidden probably because Chinese authorities (correctly) anticipated widespread backlash. They preempted calls to revise or withdraw these bills by pushing them through quickly and disclosing them only once they were faits accomplis.

People make decisions emotionally. Every person buys with their heart not their head (and inside their heart is the hidden agenda). At the root of every pitch is a human being with wants & needs, hopes & fears. Understand these; address these, and they will then buy from you. Successful selling is rooted in understanding the fundamental human truths that lie in the hearts of us all.

You need to develop a descriptor of the conceptual target audience which captures the core agenda of that group. Examples include Mum: The chief medical officer; Marriott: The road warrior; Mastercard: Good revolvers (i.e. wanting to provide the very best for the people that they loved); Ericsson: Everyday Heroes.

Having worked out what their hidden agenda is, now one needs to dig into yourself to find your point of connection with them. This can be done through three key levers: Your Core, your Credo, or your Ambition.

Your core, credo and real ambition are leverage-able assets. These are the key factors that allow you to connect with your potential clients and their hidden agenda (by finding the points of commonality).

The author has developed his own model called the Allen Key. It has 6 elements that contribute to the win strategy. The win strategy is the connection of one of your leverage- able assets to their hidden agenda. Your real ambition connects to their wants. Your credo connects to their values and your core connects to their needs.

Whilst meeting the hidden agenda is key, one still needs to deliver a presentation that has a ruthless, ironclad argument. One should treat the pitch like a barrister in court, developing a clear case that cannot be argued against. This requires the application of clarity and singularity of argument. This compelling clarity helps cut-through and be remembered. This brutal single-minded focus can often make the difference.

So the final hidden agenda was how Zo was actually orienting his life around making his mother proud instead of living for himself, and Joke was so desperate around his love for Zo because he spent his entire life loving and looking for approval for someone who didn't seem to love him back. I'm on board with that.

To help you form your cabinet, the game provides a choice of staff from the three main political parties, with each ministry having a crucial role to play in the rebuilding of your country. But beware: your choices may place you at odds with the Army, whose commanders who have their own agendas and, in some cases, will seek to undermine the reforms you have in place. You can fire them, but that is never the end of it. This forces you to think wisely on your choice of ministers.

For a year, we prospectively enrolled 66 patients who explicitly requested a "check-up" at our medical outpatient division. All patients actively denied upon prompting having any symptoms or specific health concerns at the time they made their appointment. All consultations were videotaped and analysed for information about spontaneously mentioned symptoms and reasons for the clinic consultation ("open agendas") and for cues to hidden patient agendas using the Roter interaction analysis system (RIAS).

All patients initially declared to be asymptomatic but this was ultimately the case in only 7 out of 66 patients. The remaining 59 patients spontaneously mentioned a mean of 4.2  3.3 symptoms during their first consultation. In 23 patients a total of 31 hidden agendas were revealed. The primary categories for hidden agendas were health concerns, psychosocial concerns and the patient's concept of disease.

The majority of patients requesting a general check-up tend to be motivated by specific symptoms and health concerns and are not "asymptomatic" patients who primarily come for preventive issues. Furthermore, physicians must be alert for possible hidden agendas, as one in three patients have one or more hidden reasons for requesting a check-up.

Even though a hidden agenda in communication is a widespread phenomenon throughout all specialities [7], little is known about its extent, especially in check-up patients. The main aim of this study was to evaluate which percentage of patients requesting a check-up exam has hidden agendas. We therefore prospectively evaluated self-declared asymptomatic patients requesting a check-up exam by analysing patient doctor communication and interaction for behavioural cues to hidden agendas.

In RIAS, a cue denotes an element in patient-provider communications that is not explicitly expressed verbally. It includes vague indications of emotions such as anxiety or embarrassment that patients might find difficult to express openly and that prevent the patient from being completely forthcoming about his or her reasons for requesting a consultation [17, 18]. For the purpose of this study cues were also underlying unstated emotions, concerns, or expectations [19, 20]. We defined a cue as a verbal or nonverbal hint that suggested an underlying unpleasant emotion, a patient's expectation regarding either a possible underlying disease that causes his symptoms or the outcome of the consultation. The following were classified as cues; unsolicited information given by the patient, a new element that was introduced into the conversation by the patient and directed the physician's attention to something that was worrying the patient or that had not yet been sufficiently discussed. If the patient repeated a subject that had already been addressed during the consultation, thus redirecting the physician's attention to it, this action was also coded as a cue. In addition, emotionally neutral statements by the patient that focused on issues of potential emotional importance or that referred to recent stressful life events, expectations, or concerns, were also coded as cues. Nonverbal signs (such as sighing, silence after provider questions, frowning, or crying) were defined as overt expressions of negative or unpleasant emotions or indications of hidden emotions.

The videotape of the baseline consultation was independently analysed by two members of the research team. The team looked for verbal or nonverbal cues in the communication between the doctor and patient that might indicate a hidden patient agenda for requesting a check-up. When the findings of the two team members differed, the video was discussed with a third member of the study team and a decision regarding the behavioural cues was reached by consensus.

At the follow-up consultation the patient was explicitly asked about the verbal and nonverbal cues noted in the videotape by a research team member. If, after being confronted by the physician, the patient confirmed, that the cue contained a relevant, although previously unstated, concern or reason for the clinic visit, then the patient fulfilled criteria for a hidden agenda based on our outcome definition above. Two members of the research team also independently analysed the videotape of this follow-up consultation in order to confirm the presence or absence of a hidden agenda. 17dc91bb1f

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