I am a definite manual updater of apps. I currently have in the neighborhood of 60 or 70 mostly paid (OTP) apps from fdroid and google play. Only 3 of my apps I trust the developers completely to automatically update a new update. Why not auto update?

Essentially I want users to have the ability to go into the Play Work store and download the approved applications if they decide to. At the present all of the approved android apps that match the scope of devices automatically install leading to users having 30/40 apps installed. All these devices are Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 running Nougat.

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I was on a hike yesterday & have had Auto-uploads set, but those photos never did upload many hours after I'd been back in Wi-Fi. Even after several hours when I went in & changed the gallery just to "prime" it (even tho the selected one was fine), nothing happened. But then, just before writing this, I just shot a test photo & suddenly that one auto-uploaded. I'm sorry I can't find any common link to when the app works & when it doesn't. Hope you guys can!! Oh, I also set my old phone (a Samsung S4) to Auto-upload, & that's unreliable as well. (& all my apps are set to auto-update, so I should have the latest update).

Hi, Sebastian -- Thx for checking into this. As I said, I have the Samsung Note 5. I'm not sure what its latest named update is called, but it's had all the major & minor updates; a small one just happened last week. As to my SmugMug app, yes, I just checked & it's the version you listed: . As far as charging-- well, my phone battery hasn't completely "died" for months, because I almost never let that happen. I do go through battery power if I'm out shooting heavily or using location. (I often use the phone for panoramics or videos etc that I can't get on my "good" camera.) However, I always have a juice pack along, can charge in my car also, & yes, when I get back into Wi-Fi I'll typically charge the phone right away then as well. 

When I've actually had the SmugMug app open, it's rare that the phone was charging at the same time (since I usually unplug it to look at it unless "on the road"). So I can try, doing that next time I've shot a few outside of Wi-Fi. Now that you mention connecting to Wi-Fi & then just try opening the app & leave it open, I do think I've done that a few times in the past & that it may have worked now & then to jump-start uploading. I keep forgetting to check & see whether auto-uploads have happened or not, & also haven't had enough consistent experience with what has worked to jump-start it. I see now that most or all of what I shot this past Sat. has uploaded on its own, so that's good, but what I shot on Thurs. never did upload. 

Alongside this random auto-uploading issue, I've seen "errors" pretty frequently when uploading has happened. The problem is, I never know what the actual error is, or what to do about it. There's no option to tell the app to try again on that file. I don't recall what the message on each file does say, but whatever it says is always frustrating because it neither gives info as to the actual problem nor gives the option to try fixing or re-doing it. It is even difficult to clear those files from the dialogue sometimes. So then I'm left with going back to my gallery & just try guessing from the thumbnails which ones didn't work. Sometimes that means guessing at 20+ files, which leads to a lot of missed ones or doubled ones in my archives.

Thanks, Aaron-- When I have some minutes to work on this, I'll try what you suggested to troubleshoot. I think I understand & agree with everything you said, except for the following 2 things:

You said: "One way to try to re-kickoff the auto-upload is to take a single photo and open the app and see if it auto-uploads. If it does, then the rest should go too, barring some other errors haven't occurred." I'd just like to clarify what "the rest" refers to in this case. I'm guessing "the rest" means the app should technically upload anything it doesn't think it's uploaded previously, right? (with the possible exception of the types of files you mentioned later in your post).

Later, you said: 

"We do not auto upload upon connecting to WiFi

A device may be in & out of WiFi range and auto uploading on connect would drain the battery very quickly

We try to only auto-upload photos, not screenshots or downloads....." 

Well, that part has definitely not been the case with the Android app, in my experience (and that experience goes back to ever since I re-did my site on New SmugMug.) Typically, the app has definitely uploaded as soon as it gets into Wi-Fi --- as I said in one of my earlier posts, that has actually been one of my biggest frustrations with the app. I'll be trying use the phone's camera & wanting to preserve battery life, & I'll get too close to Wi-Fi., or be in my own backyard, & it suddenly starts uploading lots of files while I'm not plugged in. This is why I've said I had been (in the past) using the "Instant SmugMug" app alongside the SmugMug app, because that app had 3 distinct settings: ** 1**. Upload anytime. 2.Upload only on Wi-Fi. 3. Upload on Wi-Fi only when charging. I contend the SmugMug app seriously needs these three distinct options. You're saying its default is NOT to upload over WI-Fi unless charging, but that hasn't typically been the case, & the app also doesn't state the option that way. The option is just a checkbox-- **"Sync over Wi-Fi only" **& checked or unchecked are the only 2 options we have. I've often been frustrated with the battery drain & with the fact that it'll be uploading while I'm trying to shoot, or even worse, filming a video. Charging or not charging has (so far in my experience) not changed the outcome as far as whether files actually auto-upload. But yes, we do seriously need that distinct option. 

Furthermore, the app always auto-uploads my screenshots and downloads. Even downloads from my SmugMug site... Maybe it's not supposed to, but for me it always has anyway.

I think we are not talking about the same item. My initial question is what the OP meant by autofill. Is it that the value is automatically filled into the field or does it mean the drop down for the autofill appears? In this case, it seems to be the latter. One would exclude by going into the app and deleting the entry for android. This would prevent the drop down from appearing.

Hence, some developers write little scripts in their websites that make your phone install certain apps or .apk files or other stuff by themselves, as soon as you visit those sites. Of course, you can uninstall/delete them later but this irritates you for sure.

You need to get the default Stock ROM back which was available for your Android smartphone as it should fix the auto app download problem for you. Installing Stock ROM on your Android device will restrict the installation of third-party applications which we usually see with custom ROMs.

Restricting background data is also one of the most helpful ways to prevent automatic unwanted downloads by apps on Android. All the malicious applications consume background data/WiFi connection to download apps automatically or upload your valuable data, logs, and passwords to hackers in the form of an image.

Once you have restricted the background data, it will prevent automatic unwanted apps downloading on your Android smartphone and will allow only all those apps that you have allowed from the setting manually.

Factory reset on Android is also a good option to consider if apps are getting automatically installed on Android devices. Factory restore will delete all the files and settings which you are having on your Android smartphone or tablet, so make sure that you are having a backup of your Android device.

Bitwarden makes your passwords available for auto-fill so that you can seamlessly log in to websites and apps while also maintaining strong and secure passwords. Auto-fill cuts the copying and pasting out of your login routine by detecting vault items that match the service you are logging in to.

Plenty of Android Auto's best apps are already on your phone, such as Google Maps and Telegram. Fuelio is designed first and foremost for driving. Fuelio collects gas station data from online sources to find the cheapest gas stations near you, allowing you to fill up for less whether you're in your neighborhood or halfway around the country. It also allows you to track and store your gas data so that you can better understand your mileage, driving habits, and how much you pay at the pump over time.

It's not a perfect tool. The lack of social integration from within the Auto UI means you can't share gas prices with others if Fuelio can't access them from Google, the way apps like Gas Buddy can manage (you can, however, add them on the smartphone app). But even if it's not an app you open every day, you'll be happy you have it when you want to maximize your wallet at the pump.

We highlighted a couple of communication apps you'll need for your drive, but this list isn't complete without WhatsApp. While it's certainly more popular outside the United States, WhatsApp is a service you'll need no matter where you live. You may have a few friends or family members who insist on texting you through Facebook's other messaging service, and by keeping this on your phone, you can answer hands-free while driving to your next destination.

App developers can support Android Auto by adding services to their phone apps. Android Auto then uses those services to display an interface designed to work well on the screen configurations of all compatible cars.

AAOS is an infotainment system built into vehicles by car makers. Android apps that support AAOS requirements can be downloaded from the Google Play Store to any car manufactured by a Google Automotive Services (GAS) partner. Instead of using a particular phone app, users install a version of the app that is designed for cars directly onto the head unit. 17dc91bb1f

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