Tips for using technology for Home Learning

During the COVID-19 Pandemic your child may be using technology (e.g. Chromebooks, iPads, Laptops, Phones) for Home Learning. Below are some suggestions that you can share with them to help them be responsible technology users.

Caring for your child’s technology to avoid damage.

  • Don’t eat or drink near technology.

  • Wash your hands before using technology.

  • Carry technology with 2 hands when moving it so that it isn’t dropped or damaged.

  • Don’t damage or misuse the charger in any way.

Your child’s behaviour on technology

  • Remind your child to be in control of their behaviour around their Chromebook and treat it with respect - keep it clean and safe.

  • We suggest that your child stay off social media sites i.e.: Facebook, Twitter, Chat Rooms, Snap Chat, Tik Tok etc...

  • Remind your child to only download / use applications and programmes that parents / teachers have agreed to and specified e.g. Only use websites and tools that are appropriate for their work.

  • Remind your child to log out when they are not using it.

  • Remind your child to keep their passwords private / don’t tell anyone else - teachers and parents have been sent a copy.

  • Remind your child to keep themselves safe online and think before they send something.

A good idea is when your child is using technology, to have an adult present in the room, just in case something happens that is not appropriate or that they are unsure of i.e. inappropriate sites accidentally popped up.