This site was set up during COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 but remains live for families to use, as needed, to support learning from home.

You can also access the Ministry of Education's Home Learning Site and Resources here.

While we have organised home learning activities into two groups, you are welcome to use either link. 

Choose the most appropriate activities for your child.

Learning at home will create both challenges and exciting opportunities for children to learn.  The activities are not compulsory but are here to support.

These activities are not intended to last for hours at a time. Some may take a few minutes, others up to 15-20 minutes at most. If your child is enjoying their learning challenge or are passionate about what they are creating, they may choose to work on their project a bit longer.

Home learning is a new concept to all of us and we understand that some activities may be difficult - just do your best!

Remember learning can be fun too!

Home-Learning -What should it look like?

Some families have asked for a suggested schedule for the day. While we have provided a couple of examples of what one full day may look like, please be aware that learning at home will not be the same as learning at school. In some houses, 'learning activities' may be  done only in the morning or your family may decide to do a few activities spread out across the day.

Every household will do things differently just as every day may look a little different -and that's ok!

The main thing we want to ensure is a love of learning continues to be fostered 

so above all else, don't forget to play and have fun!

Example 1

Learning doesn't have to look like it does at school; have fun and create a timetable with your little (or big) one.

When an activity is completed, tick it off or put a sticker on it like the five year old's example above [left]. Their younger sibling also joined in [right].

...but what are they learning?

They helped out at home by getting themselves dressed or making their bed (life skills), practised writing their names and decorated a label to go on their timetable (writing/crafts), learnt how to take photos of caterpillars with a digital camera (zoom and focus the lens), started to learn about the life cycle of Monarch Butterflies (science), measured ingredients for baking (maths), did some fitness indoors and out (health & PE), spotted different birds in the garden, wrote/told a story to family (literacy), and read a story at bed time (reading).

Example 2

Time Task Examples of Possible Activities

Before 9:00am Wake Up -get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth then free time

9:00-10:00am Life Skills -make your bed / vacuum a room in the house / learn to tie up your shoes... 

10:00-11:00am STEAM/making time -do some baking (great for measurement in maths) / learn to sew / create with Lego...

11:00-11:30am Morning Tea / Snack

11:30-12:30pm Literacy Activity -handwriting / record yourself telling a story / draw and write / 10 minutes on Studyladder...

12:30-1:30 Lunch/Quiet time -make a sandwich / read a book / do a puzzle...

12:30-2:00pm Outdoor Activity -go for a walk or hike / weed the garden or make a veggie patch...

2:00-3:00pm Fitness -make an obstacle course / GoNoodle Dance on Youtube / practice a sport...