
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought." - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

My research philosophy is driven by a commitment to enhancing community resilience and a deep interest in the complex dynamics of disaster response. I believe in a holistic, data-driven approach that considers the intricate interrelationships within a community system. For me, research is not just an academic exercise but a tool for real-world impact, which is fundamental to my work at the OU Community Resilience Research Laboratory, a part of the NIST Center of Excellence at Colorado State University.

I am particularly interested in developing innovative optimization models to minimize community loss after natural disasters. By analyzing data within these models, we can identify key factors that contribute to a community's resilience. My research also focuses on addressing the decisions of multiple stakeholders, leading me to create efficient algorithms for bi-level optimization problems.

My research is an iterative process, guided by theoretical concepts but grounded in empirical observations and validation. I believe that collaboration, interdisciplinary insights, and a commitment to constant learning are essential for generating meaningful, transformative outcomes. In essence, my philosophy is based on the idea that through rigorous research, we can empower communities and significantly improve their ability to withstand and recover from disasters.

OU Community Resilience Research Lab, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Oklahoma (Norman, Oklahoma, USA)                                           

January 2021 – Present

Graduate Research Assistant

Co-advisors: Dr. Andres Gonzalez, and Dr. Charles Nicholson

The OU Community Resilience Research Laboratory, a part of NIST Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning,  is a research facility based at the University of Oklahoma that focuses on studying and enhancing community resilience in the face of natural and man-made disasters. Its interdisciplinary team of researchers work on developing and testing innovative strategies for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.

Research Area: