Health Equity Scholars for Action Resource Center

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Here are links to the most pertinent and required resources and information:


We are pleased to welcome you to Health Equity Scholars for Action (HES4A), a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). We have developed this resource center to support the promotion and communication of your research; provide you with information about the broader Transforming Research to Advance Health Equity initiative; and show how HES4A—and your work—propels RWJF’s vision for a Culture of Health. We have also included information about engagement and resources available to you through the program. 

Our goal through strategic communication and promotion is to increase the likelihood that your research will be used to influence systems, policies, programs, or practices that have the potential to improve population health and equity, and build a Culture of Health.

We hope to foster a collaborative and collegial environment in which scholars actively engage with one another and the Foundation. We look forward to working with you!


About Health Equity Scholars for Action (HES4A)

Research is more equitable, accurate, and actionable when diverse groups of researchers who have varied perspectives and lived experiences are designing and conducting the research. Yet structural racism and discrimination often stand in the way of the career trajectory for many researchers. They are often compelled to take on duties to support initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, consuming time and effort that could otherwise be devoted to their own career development and impact. Biased methods of assessment and evaluation for promotion, tenure, and other forms of disparate treatment, can also lead to disparities in advancement and promotion.,  


RWJF’s Health Equity Scholars for Action (HES4A) program exists to challenge assumptions, biases, and outdated conventions in research and academia by supporting early-career researchers from historically underrepresented backgrounds. Through funding, mentorship, coaching—and access to a broad community of people who understand their lived experiences—scholars will create a body of actionable evidence that addresses the root causes of health inequities in the United States—recognizing that those inequities are strongly linked with structural and systemic racism and other forms of oppression.