macro monetaria y financiera

this course provides an introduction to monetary economics from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. We start by looking at the data to study the main short and long run facts in monetary economies. Then we present the theoretical frameworks used to capture and understand the roles of money in modern economies. We review monetary policy rules and their interaction with fiscal policy.

we cover the theory of money creation, the role of central banks and the private banks together with risks that arise in banking systems.

Schedule and exams

Final:  May 31st, 15hs to18hs

Extraordinaria: June 21st, 18hs to 21hs

Midterm: week 8th March 22th in the practice sessions

Cont Eval 50% (30% assignments + 20% midterm)

Final 50%

assignments (to be solved in practice sessions)

assignment 1: week 4 (feb 23rd)

assignment 2: week 7 (march 15th)

assignment 3: week 11 (april 19th)

assignment 4: week 14 (may 10th)

assignment 5: español, english (optional), deadline: June 6th.

week 1: intro, motivation and data

intro, motivation, and a look at the data

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english


McCandless and Weber (1995) “Some Monetary Facts” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review 19(3): 2-1. [paper]***

DeGrauwe and Polan (2005) “Is Inflation Always and Everywhere a Monetary Phenomenon?” [paper]

Gertler and Hofmann (2016) "Monetary facts revisited" [paper]

Rongrong Sun (2014) "Review over Empirical Evidence on Real Effects of Monetary Policy" Mimeograph. [paper]

Nagel and Parker (2003) "Empirical Macroeconomics: The Effects of Monetary Policy" [paper]

Walsh (2010) capítulo 1***

Gertler and Hofmann (2016), "Monetary facts revisited". BIS wp566 [paper

week 2: frictions demand for money

intro to models of money

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english (additional, additional_es): Kuhn Tucker + micro optimization problem + shopping time


Heijdra, Ben "Foundations of modern macroeconomics", 3rd edition 2017. Oxford University Press (Ch 10) 

week 3: overlapping generations models (OG)

intro to OLG models of money

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english (planner's problem)


Wallace, N., 1978. The overlapping generations model of fiat money. in Models of Monetary Economies. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. [paper]

Wallace and McCandless, 1992. Introduction to Dynamics Macroeconomic Theory. Harvard University Press. (Ch1)***

Champ, B., Freeman, S., Haslag, J., 2011. Modeling monetary economies. Cambridge University Press. (Ch1)***

week 4: OG with money, Inefficiency of inflation - extensions

intro to OG models of money

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english Exercises of models with money.


Wallace, N., 1978. The overlapping generations model of fiat money. in Models of Monetary Economies. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. [paper]

Champ, B., Freeman, S., Haslag, J., 2011. Modeling monetary economies. Cambridge University Press. (Ch1, Ch3, Ch6 & Ch7)***

Wallace and McCandless, 1992. Introduction to Dynamics Macroeconomic Theory. Harvard University Press. (Ch1)***

Wallace, N., 2008. Competitive trade using money. Unpublished  classnotes. [link]

further resources

seigniorage in the  EU: link

seigniorare and negative rates: link

weeks 5: Lucas island model

Real effects of monetary policy - philips curve

MAG: español, english

RED: OLG with capital , OLG con capital (old notation, needs to be updated) 


Additional references (interesting stuff)

week 8: Budget Constraints

budget constraints and government debt

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english (midterm review)


Giannitsarou and Scott (2006) “Inflation Implications of Rising Government Debt” NBER Working paper series. Paper 12654. [paper]

Buiter (1982) "The Proper Measurement of Government Budget Deficits: comprehensive wealth accounting or permanent income accounting for the public sector: its implications for policy evaluation and design" NBER Working Paper No. 1013 [paper]

Walsh (2010) capítulo 4***

Fischer (1989) "The economics of the government budget constraint" [link]***

week 9: Monetary and fiscal policy interaction

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english


Aiyagari and Gertler (1985), "The backing of government bonds and monetarism", Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 16, Issue 1, July 1985, Pages 19-44.

Sargent, T. (1982) "Beyond Demand and Supply Curves in Macroeconomics", The American Economic Review, vol. 72, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1982), pp. 382-389

Sargent, T. (1982) "The Ends of Four Big Inflations", in Inflation: Causes and Effects, Ed. Robert E. Hall, University of Chicago Press.

Fowley and Neely (2013) Four Stories of Quantitative Easing   [link]

week 11: Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english (money multiplier, intro)


Champ, Freeman and Haslag (2010), Chapter 14

Sargent, T., Wallace, N (1981) "Some unpleasant monetarist arithmetic", Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Fall, link

week 12: Central Banks

banks and money creation

MAG: español, english

RED: (revise homework 3)


J. Hooley, A. Khan, C. Lattie, I. Mak, N. Salazar, A. Sayegh, and P. Stella (2023), "Quasi-Fiscal Implications of Central Bank Crisis Interventions". IMF WP/23/114*

J. Hooley, C. Lattie, and P. Stella, "Quasi-Fiscal Implications of Central Bank Crisis Interventions: Case Studies".IMF WP/23/115*

Jakab Z, Kumhof, M (2015) Banks are not intermediaries of loanable funds - and why this matters*   [link]

Champ, B., Freeman, S., Haslag, J., 2011. Modeling monetary economies. Cambridge University Press. (Ch8)

Rule G 2015 "Understanding the Central Bank Balance Sheet" [link]

Keister T and McAndrews J, 2009 "Why Are Banks Holding So Many Excess Reserves?" [link] 

ECB operation and liquidity management

week 13: Bank Runs

banks liquidity and solvency risks

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english  (additional ex, english)


Diamond and Dybvig, "Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity", The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 91, No. 3. (Jun., 1983), pp. 401-419

Freixas Rochet (1997), "Microeconomics of Banking", Ch7

Champ, B., Freeman, S., Haslag, J., 2011 (Ch 12). Modeling monetary economies

About SVB Failure, March 2023:

week 14: Rules vs Discretion

choice of monetary policy regime

MAG: español, english

RED: español, english

solutions hw4


Persson and Tabellini (1990), Macroeconomic Policy, credibility and politics. Fundamentals of pure and applied economics series. Eds. J. Lesourne and H. Sonnenschein