associate professor (profesor titular) econ department of uc3m

investigador rednie

ramón y cajal fellow


duke university (phd 2011, ma 2007)

universidad de san andrés (ma in economics 2006)

universidad de buenos aires (lic in economics 2003).

working papers

An ergodic theory of sovereign default, with Damian Pierri, September 2023 (Reject and Resubmit, JPE Macro)

Expropriation risks over the business cycle, with Emir Yurdagul, January 2024

The green metamorphosis of a small open economy, with Florencia Airaudo and Evi Pappa, January 2024

Sovereign Risk, Firms' Investment and the Business Cycle, with Emir Yurdagul, June 2023 (under review)

The trend-cycle connection, with Florencia Airaudo, September 2021 [RedNIE Working paper 97]

Firm dynamics, the trend and the cycle, January 2013

Policy switches in emerging economies, June 2011 (under review)


Perturbating and estimating DSGE models in Julia, with Alvaro Salazar-Perez, Computational Economics, junio 2024 [codes]

Made in europe: monetary-fiscal policy mix with financial frictions, with P. Gomes, European Economic Review, april 2024, 104727.

Welfare gains of bailouts in a sovereign default model, with R. Pancrazi and M. Vukotic, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol 113, april 2020. 103867

Trend shocks and sudden stops, with E. Yurdagul, Journal of International Economics, vol 121, november 2019. 103252

Time-varying volatility, default and the sovereign risk premium, International Economic Review, vol 60 (1), february 2019, pp. 283-301[appendix]

Markups and the real effects of volatility shocks, International Economic Review, vol 58 (3), august 2017, pp. 807-828 [appendix]

The price of capital and the financial accelerator, with R. Pancrazi and M. Vukotic, Economics Letters, vol. 149, december 2016, pp. 86-89

Parameter drifts, misspecification and the real exchange rate in emerging countries, Journal of International Economics, vol. 98, january 2016, pp 204-215 [appendix]

Near unit root small open economies, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 53, april 2015, pp 37-46 [appendix]

Bayesian mixed frequency VARs, with C.W. Chiu, B. Eraker, A. Foerster and T.B. Kim,  Journal of Financial Econometrics, vol. 13 (3), summer 2015, pp 698-721

policy reports and book chapters

"Asia's corporate debt: assessing its role in financial vulnerability", in "Debt sustainability in Asia: Problems, Policies and Practices", Ed. by B. Ferrarini, M. Giugale and J. J. Pradelli (2022)

A model to think about crypto-assets and central bank digital currency (EconPol policy report, December 2021)

The sovereign-bank nexus: the role of debt and monetary policy (EconPol policy report, December 2020)

The real interest rate across monetary policy regimes (EconPol policy report, September 2020)

Comment on  "From austerity to growth in Europe: some lessons from Latin America", by S. Griffith-Jones, IEA volume debt crises "how to prevent them, how to manage them, how to ensure there is life after debt" (eds. D. Heymann and J. Stiglitz, Palgrave 2014)

yo estoy al derecho, dado vuelta estás vos

 sumo, 1987