International Conference on Heritage Management Education and Practice: Exploring Connections across Disciplines and Stakeholders

28 – 31 July, 2017

The discourses and practices on ‘heritage’ are significantly broadened in recent decades, leading towards the holistic understanding of heritage idea and the emerging approaches of heritage management, than just the mere documentation and preservation of heritage. We are at a promising juncture where heritage is no longer confined only to history or material or monuments or unique artifacts, but it is equally about livelihoods, sustainability, social development, innovation, and so on. There is furthermore opportunities of cross-disciplinary research and practice tools that may be relevant to making sense of rich and diverse heritage that we have. Yet, there are much more that we have to learn and master, which is possible only through dialogues, discussion, debates, and sharing of lessons from different contexts. It is in this context that Ahmedabad University announces the first edition of its annual heritage management conference.

The conference shall be a good platform for educational institutions on heritage studies and heritage management, organizations working on different heritage sectors, agencies supporting the cause of heritage research and management, heritage related entrepreneurs, academicians and researchers concerned with the field of heritage, students with interest in heritage, individuals working in different capacities in the heritage sector, government departments and urban local bodies which have to deal with heritage in their frameworks, and anyone with interest or engagement with any aspects of heritage.

The following are suggested thematic areas:

i. Education and awareness on Heritage

ii. Innovations in Heritage Management

iii. Entrepreneurship in Arts, Crafts & Creative Cultural Industries

iv. Cultural Landscapes and Historic Urban Landscapes: Opportunities & Challenges,

v. Environmental conservation, Climate Change Issues & Livelihoods

vi. Managing museums for all: Interpretations and effective visitor management,

vii. Heritage hotels: Unleashing the potential to the larger benefit of Society

viii. Heritage economics

ix. Organizational management in heritage sectors

x. Community participation in heritage management

xi. Policies and laws on Heritage Management

xii. Critical perspectives on Heritage Management.

Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of Heritage Management. Authors considering this option are required to submit the full paper (after abstract acceptance is confirmed) by the given deadline. Full paper need to conform to the submission guidelines as specified for the journal (please see the journal website:

Entrepreneurs and Organizations who wish to exhibit a poster or their work may request for exhibition space or a sponsored exhibition.