
Artigos em destaque

Gasper, A. L. de, Grittz, G. S., Russi, C. H., Schwartz, C. E., & Rodrigues, A. V. (2021). Expected impacts of climate change on tree ferns distribution and diversity patterns in subtropical Atlantic Forest. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.

Gasper, A. L. de, Stehmann, J. R., Roque, N., Narcísio, C. B., Sartori, Â. L. B., & Grittz, G. S. (2020). Brazilian herbaria: an overview. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 34(2), 352–359.

Lima, R. A. F., Oliveira, A. A., Pitta, G. R., Gasper, A. L. de, Vibrans, A. C., Chave, J., ter Steege, H., & Prado, P. I. (2020). The erosion of biodiversity and biomass in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot. Nature Communications, 11(1), 6347.

Vibrans, A. C., Gasper, A. L. de, Moser, P., Oliveira, L. Z., Lingner, D. V., & Sevegnani, L. (2020). Insights from a large-scale inventory in the southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Scientia Agricola, 77(1), e20180036.

Steidinger, B. S., Crowther, T. W., Liang, J., Van, N. M., Van, D. T., Werner, G. D., Reich, P. B., Nabuurs, G. J., De-Miguel, S., Zhou, M., Picard, N., Herault, B., Zhao, X., Zhang, C., Routh, D., Peay, K. G., Abegg, M., Adou Yao, C. Y., Alberti, G., … GFBI Consortium. (2019). Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses. Nature, 569(7756), 404–408.

Gasper, A. L. de, Eisenlohr, P. V., & Salino, A. (2016). Improving collection efforts to avoid loss of biodiversity: lessons from comprehensive sampling of lycophytes and ferns in the subtropical Atlantic Forest. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 30(2), 166–175.

Oliveira, L. Z., Moser, P., Vibrans, A. C., Piazza, G. A., Gasper, A. L. de, & Oliveira-Filho, A. T. (2016). Insights for selecting the most suitable nonparametric species-richness estimators for subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forests. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 39(2), 593–603.

PPG 1. (2016). A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 54(6), 563–603.

Gasper, A. L. de, Dittrich, V. A. O., Smith, A. R., & Salino, A. (2016). A classification for Blechnaceae (Polypodiales: Polypodiopsida): New genera, resurrected names, and combinations. Phytotaxa, 275(3), 191–227.

Livros em destaque

Vibrans, A. C., Sevegnani, L., Gasper, A. L. de, & Lingner, D. V. (2012). Volume I - Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina. Diversidade e Conservação dos Remanescentes Florestais. Edifurb.

Vibrans, A. C., Sevegnani, L., Gasper, A. L. de, & Lingner, D. V. (2012). Volume II - Floresta Estacional Decidual. Edifurb.

Vibrans, A. C., Sevegnani, L., Gasper, A. L. de, & Lingner, D. V. (2013). Volume III - Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Edifurb.

Vibrans, A. C., Sevegnani, L., Gasper, A. L. de, & Lingner, D. V. (2013). Volume IV - Floresta Ombrófila Densa. Edifurb.

Vibrans, A. C., Bonnet, A., Caglioni, E., Gasper, A. L. de, & Lingner, D. V. (2013). Volume V - Epífitos Vasculares da Floresta Ombrófila Densa (A. C. Vibrans, A. Bonnet, E. Caglioni, A. L. de Gasper, & D. V. Lingner (eds.)). Edifurb.

Gasper, A. L. de, Oliveira, L. Z., Lingner, D. V., & Vibrans, A. C. (2018). Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina, Volume VII, Espécies arbóreas raras de Santa Catarina: Vol. VII (A. L. de Gasper, L. Z. Oliveira, D. V. Lingner, & A. C. Vibrans (eds.)). Edifurb.


  1. Gris, A., Bavaresco, L. H., Perosa, F. F., Gomes, T. M. A., Fronza, N., Oliveira, J. R., … Mendes, R. E. (2021). Plant Poisoning Containing Hydrocyanic Acid in Cattle in Southern Brazil. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 49, 1788.

  2. Gasper, A. L. de, Grittz, G. S., Russi, C. H., Schwartz, C. E., & Rodrigues, A. V. (2021). Expected impacts of climate change on tree ferns distribution and diversity patterns in subtropical Atlantic Forest. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.

  3. Grittz, G. S., Dittrich, V. A. O., & Gasper, A. L. de. (2021). A synopsis of the fern family Blechnaceae in Santa Catarina, Brazil: reviewing Sehnem’s 1968 flora. Botanica Complutensis, 45, e73056.


  1. VIBRANS, A. C.; GASPER, A. L. de; MOSER, P.; OLIVEIRA, L. Z.; LINGER, D. V.; SEVEGNANI, L. Insights from a large-scale inventory in the southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. SCIENTIA AGRICOLA, v. 77, p. e20180036, 2020.

  2. WEIGAND, A.; ABRAHAMCZYK, S.; AUBIN, I.; BITA-NICOLAE, C.; BRUELHEIDE, H. I.; CARVAJAL-HERNÁNDEZ, C.; CICUZZA, D.; NASCIMENTO DA COSTA, L. E.; CSIKY, J.; DENGLER, J.; GASPER, A. L. de. Global fern and lycophyte richness explained: How regional and local factors shape plot richness. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, v. 47, p. 59-71, 2020.

  3. LINGNER, D. V.; RODRIGUES, A. V.; OLIVEIRA, L. Z.; GASPER, A. L. de; VIBRANS, A. C. Modelling changes in forest attributes driven by human activities at different spatial scales in the subtropical Atlantic Forest. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. 29, p. 1283-1299, 2020.

  4. PASTÓRIO, F. F.; GASPER, A. L. DE; VIBRANS, A. C. Successional stages of Santa Catarina atlantic subtropical evergreen rainforest: a classification method proposal. Cerne, v. 26, p. 162–171, 2020.

  5. GASPER, A. L.; STEHMANN, J.R.; ROQUE, N.; NARCÍSIO, C. B.; SARTORI, Â. L. B.; GRITTZ, G. S. Brazilian herbaria: an overview. Acta Bot Brasilica, v. 34, p. 352–359, 2020.

  6. MENDIETA‐LEIVA, G. et al. EpIG‐DB: A database of vascular epiphyte assemblages in the Neotropics. J Veg Sci v. 31, p. 518–528, 2020.

  7. SCHWARTZ, C.E.; GASPER, A. L. DE. Environmental factors affect population structure of tree ferns in the Brazilian subtropical Atlantic Forest. Acta Bot Brasilica, v. 34, p. 204–213, 2020.

  8. KLEIN-JÚNIOR, L. C.; CRETTON, S.; VANDER HEYDEN, Y.; GASPER, A. L. DE; NEJAD-EBRAHIMI, S.; CHRISTEN, P.; HENRIQUES, A. T. Bioactive Azepine-Indole Alkaloids from Psychotria nemorosa. J Nat Prod, v. 83, p. 852–863, 2020.


  1. OLIVEIRA, L. Z.; GASPER, A. L. de; LINGER, D. V.; SEVEGNANI, L.; VIBRANS, A. C. Secondary subtropical Atlantic forests shelter a surprising number of rare tree species: outcomes of an assessment using spatially unbiased data. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. 28, p. 751-768, 2019.

  2. GASPER, A. L. de et al. ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest. ECOLOGY, v. 100, p. e02541, 2019.

  3. GASPER, A. L. de et al. sPot - a new tool for global vegetation analyses. JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, v. 30, p. 161, 2019.

  4. ELIAS, G. A.; GIEHL, E. L. H.; GASPER, A. L. de; LIMA, J. M. T.; SANTOS, R. Low temperature extremes influence both the presence of palms and palm species richness in the Atlantic Forest, Southern Brazil. Ecología Austral, v. 29, p. 041-049, 2019.

  5. BAPTISTA, L. R. M.; GASPER, A. L. de; LORSCHEITTER, M. L.; SCHERER, C. Physiognomic and Multivariate Phytosociological Analyses of a Subtropical Peat Bog Located on the Eastern Plateau in Southern Brazil. WETLANDS, v. 39, p. 1069-1077, 2019.

  6. STEIDINGER, B.; CROWTHER, T.; LIANG, J.; NULAND, M. E. V.; WERNER, G. D. A.; REICH, P. B.; NABUURS, G.; DE-MIGUEL, S.; ZHOU, M.; PICARD, N.; HERAULT, B.; ZHAO, X.; ZHANG, C.; ROUTH, D.; GFBI consortium; PEAY, K. G.; GASPER, A. L. de. Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses. NATURE, v. 569, p. 404-408, 2019.

  7. SEVEGNANI, L.; GASPER, A. L. de; RODRIGUES, A. V.; LINGNER, D. V.; MEYER, L.; UHLMANN, A.; OLIVEIRA, L. Z.; VIBRANS, A. C. Structure and diversity of the Araucaria forest in southern Brazil: biotic homogenisation hinders the recognition of floristic assemblages related to altitude. Southern Forests, v. 81, p. 297-305, 2019.



1. GASPER, A. L. de; RABELER, R. K. ; SMITH, A. R. Proposal to conserve the name C. Presl ( ) against Opiz ( ). TAXON, v. 67, p. 639-640, 2018.

2. DITTRICH, V. A. O. ; SALINO, A. ; MONTEIRO, R. ; GASPER, A.L. de. The fern genera Lomaria, Lomariocycas, and Parablechnum (Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida) in southern and southeastern Brazil. Phytotaxa (on-line), v. 362, p. 245-262, 2018.

3. RODRIGUES, A. V. ; BONES, F. L. V. ; SCHNEIDERS, A. ; OLIVEIRA, L. Z. ; VIBRANS, A. C. ; GASPER, A.L. de. Plant Trait Dataset for Tree-Like Growth Forms Species of the Subtropical Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil. Data, v. 3, p. 16, 2018.

4. PASTORIO, F. F. ; BLOEMER, H. C. ; GASPER, A.L. de. Floristic and Structural Composition of Natural Regeneration in a Subtropical Atlantic Forest. FLORAM, v. 25, p. e20170446, 2018.

5. MACANEIRO, J. P. ; GASPER, A.L. de ; GALVAO, F. ; SCHORN, L. A. Dispersion and aggregation patterns of tree species in Araucaria Forest, Southern Brazil. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS (ONLINE), v. 90, p. 2397-2408, 2018.

6. ELIAS, G. A. ; GASPER, A.L. de ; LIMA, J. M. T. ; SILVA, G. L. ; SANTOS, R. Native understory palms (Arecaceae) of the Atlantic Forest in Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. Rodriguesia, v. 69, p. 693-698, 2018.


  1. GASPER, A. L. de; ALMEIDA, T. E.; DITTRICH, V. A. O.; SMITH, A. R.; SALINO, A. Molecular phylogeny of the fern family Blechnaceae (Polypodiales) with a revised genus-level treatment. CLADISTICS, v. 33, p. 429-446, 2017.

  2. DITTRICH, V. A. O. ; SMITH, A. R. ; A.L. de GASPER. Parablechnum roraimense and P. paucipinna spp. nov. (Blechnaceae: Polypodiopsida), lectotypification of P. stuebelii, and citation corrections in the family. Phytotaxa (Online), v. 292, p. 65-73, 2017.

  3. DITTRICH, V. A. O. ; SALINO, A. ; MONTEIRO, R. ; GASPER, A.L. de . The family Blechnaceae (Polypodiopsida) in Brazil: key to the genera and taxonomic treatment of Austroblechnum, Cranfillia, Lomaridium, Neoblechnum and Telmatoblechnum for southern and southeastern Brazil. Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy, v. 303, p. 1-33, 2017.

  4. BERTELLI, P. R. ; BIEGELMEYER, R. ; RICO, E. P. ; KLEIN-JUNIOR, L. C. ; TOSON, N. S. B. ; MINETTO, L. ; BORDIGNON, S. A. L. ; GASPER, A.L. de ; MOURA, S. ; OLIVEIRA, D. L. ; HENRIQUES, A. T. . Toxicological profile and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory potential of Palicourea 2 deflexa, a source of β-carboline alkaloids. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY, v. 201, p. 44-50, 2017.

  5. KLEIN-JUNIOR, L. C. ; CRETTON, S. ; ALLARD, P. ; GENTA-JOUVE, G. ; PASSOS, C. S. ; SALTON, J. ; BERTELLI, P. R. ; PUPIER, M. ; JEANNERAT, D. ; HEYDEN, Y. V. ; GASPER, A.L. de ; WOLFENDER, J. ; CHRISTEN, P. ; HENRIQUES, A. T. . Targeted Isolation of Monoterpene Indole Alkaloids from Palicourea sessilis. JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS, v. 80, p. 3032-3037, 2017.

  6. MAÇANEIRO, J. P. ; GASPER, A. L. de ; SCHORN, L. A. ; GALVÃO, F. . Few dominant native woody species: How subtropical rainforest successional process acts on abandoned pastures in southern Brazil. APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, v. 15, p. 1633-1676, 2017.


  1. OLIVEIRA, L. Z. ; MOSER, P. ; VIBRANS, A. C. ; GASPER, A.L. de ; PIAZZA, G. A. ; OLIVEIRA-FILHO, A. T. Insights for selecting the most suitable nonparametric species-richness estimators for subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forests. Brazilian Journal of Botany, v. 39, p. 593-603, 2016.

  2. FONTANA, C. ; GASPER, A.L. de ; SEVEGNANI, L. . A raridade das espécies arbóreas de Lauraceae no planalto do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Hoehnea, v. 43, p. 361-369, 2016.

  3. KLEIN-JUNIOR, L. C. ; PASSOS, C. S. ; SALTON, J. ; BITENCOURT, F. G. ; FUNEZ, L. ; ANDRADE, J. P. ; VILLALOBOS, J. P. ; BORDIGNON, S. A. L. ; GASPER, A.L. de; HEYDEN, Y. V. ; HENRIQUES, A. T. Multifunctional Monoamine Oxidases and Cholinesterases Inhibitory Effects, as well as UPLC-DAD-MS Chemical Profile of Alkaloid Fractions Obtained from Species of the Palicoureeae Tribe. NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS (ONLINE), v. 11, p. 1934578X1601100, 2016.

  4. ELIAS, G. A. ; GASPER, A.L. de; LIMA, J. M. T. ; SOARES, K. P. ; MOLZ, M. ; Santos, R. Community Structure of Large Native Arborescent Palms (Arecaceae) using data from the Floristic and Forest Inventory of Santa Catarina, Brazil. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES, v. 10, p. 156-163, 2016.

  5. KLEIN-JUNIOR, L. C. ; VIAENE, J. ; TUENTER, E. ; SALTON, J. ; GASPER, A.L. de; APERS, S. ; ANDRIES, J. P. ; PIETERS, L. ; HENRIQUES, A. T.; HEYDEN, Y. V. The use of chemometrics to study multifunctional indole alkaloids from Psychotria nemorosa (Palicourea comb. nov.). Part II: Indication of peaks related to the inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidase-A. Journal of Chromatography (Print), v. 1463, p. 71-80, 2016.

  6. SEVEGNANI, L. ; Uhlmann, A. ; GASPER, A.L. de; Meyer, Leila ; VIBRANS, A. C. Climate affects the structure of mixed rain forest in southern sector of Atlantic domain in Brazil. ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, v. 77, p. 109-117, 2016.

  7. REIS, S. D. S. ; MACEDO, J. T. S. A. ; OLIVEIRA, R. S. ; PEIXOTO, T. C. ; FERREIRA, M. M. ; GASPER, A.L. de; PEDROSO, P. M. O. Enzootic hematuria in cattle from Northeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, v. 9, p. 78-82, 2016.

  8. GASPER, A.L. de; DITTRICH, V. A. O. ; SMITH, A. R. ; SALINO, A. A classification for Blechnaceae (Polypodiales: Polypodiopsida): New genera, resurrected names, and combinations. Phytotaxa (on-line), v. 275, p. 191-227, 2016.

  9. BITTENCOURT, F. ; GASPER, A.L. de. First record of Pogoniopsis Rchb. (Orchidaceae: Triphorinae) in Santa Catarina state, Southern Brazil. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 12, p. 1990, 2016.

  10. SCHUETTPELZ, E. SCHNEIDER, H. SMITH, A. R. HOVENKAMP, P. PRADO, J. ROUHAN, G. SALINO, A. SUNDUE, M. ALMEIDA, T. E. PARRIS, B. SESSA, E. B. FIELD, A. R. GASPER, A.L. de ROTHFELS, C. J. WINDHAM, M. D. LEHNERT, M. DAUPHIN, B. EBIHARA, A. LEHTONEN, S. SCHWARTSBURD, P. B. METZGAR, J. ZHANG, L. KUO, L. BROWNSEY, P. J. KATO, M. , et al. ; A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, v. 54, p. 563-603, 2016.

  11. GASPER, A.L. de; EISENLOHR, PEDRO V. ; SALINO, A. Improving collection efforts to avoid loss of biodiversity: lessons from comprehensive sampling of lycophytes and ferns in the subtropical Atlantic Forest. Acta Botanica Brasilica, v. 30, p. 166-175, 2016.

  12. KLEIN-JUNIOR, L. C. ; VIAENE, J. ; SALTON, J. ; KOETZ, M. ; GASPER, A.L. de; HENRIQUES, A. T. ; HEYDEN, Y. V. The use of chemometrics to study multifunctional indole alkaloids from Psychotria nemorosa (Palicourea comb. nov.). Part I: Extraction and fractionation optimization based on metabolic profiling. Journal of Chromatography (Print), v. 1463, p. 60-70, 2016.


  1. GASPER, A.L. de; UHLMANN, A. ; VIBRANS, A. C. ; SEVEGNANI, L. Variação da estrutura da Floresta Estacional Decidual no estado de Santa Catarina e sua relação com a altitude e clima. CIÊNCIA FLORESTAL (ONLINE), v. 25, p. 77-89, 2015.

  2. LINGNER, D.V. ; SCHORN, L.A. ; SEVEGNANI, L. ; GASPER, A.L. de; MEYER, L.; VIBRANS, A. C. Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Santa Catarina - Brasil: Agrupamento e ordenação baseados em amostragem sistemática. CIÊNCIA FLORESTAL (ONLINE), v. 25, p. 933-946, 2015.

  3. TRIBESS, B. ; PINTARELLI, G. M. ; BINI, L. A. ; CAMARGO, A. ; FUNEZ, L. A. ; GASPER, A.L. de; ZENI, A. L. B. Ethnobotanical study of plants used for therapeutic purposes in the Atlantic Forest region, Southern Brazil. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, v. 164, p. 136-146, 2015.

  4. AMARAL, G.M. ; FONTANA, C. ; GASPER, A.L. de; FREITAS, D. S. ; SEVEGNANI, L. Aspects of distribution of Mimosoideae (Fabaceae) trees in the highlands of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. NEOTROPICAL BIOLOGYAND CONSERVATION, v. 10, p. 74-84, 2015.

  5. GASPER, A.L. de; SALINO, A. Samambaias e licófitas de Santa Catarina: composição, riqueza e espécies ameaçadas. Iheringia. Série Botânica, v. 70, p. 323-344, 2015.


  1. SCHORN, L.A. ; MEYER, L.; SEVEGNANI, L. ; VIBRANS, A. C. ; LINGNER, D.V. ; GASPER, A.L. de; UHLMANN, A. ; VERDI, M. ; STIVAL-SANTOS, A. Fitossociologia de fragmentos de Floresta Estacional Decidual do estado de Santa Catarina - Brasil. CIÊNCIA FLORESTAL (ONLINE), v. 24, p. 821-831, 2014.

  2. REZENDE, V. L. ; EISENLOHR, P. V. ; GASPER, A.L. de; VIBRANS, A. C. ; OLIVEIRA-FILHO, A. T. Toward a better understanding of the subtropical Atlantic Forest in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil: tree sampling accuracy, species richness and frequency of rare species. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso), v. 28, p. 382-391, 2014.

  3. GASPER, A.L. de; UHLMANN, A.; SEVEGNANI, L.; MEYER, L.; LINGNER, D.V. ; VERDI, M. ; STIVAL-SANTOS, A. ; SOBRAL, M. ; VIBRANS, A. C. Espécies raras e comuns de Myrtaceae da Floresta Estacional Decidual de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Rodriguésia (Online), v. 65, p. 767-776, 2014.

  4. GASPER, A.L. de; VIBRANS, A. C. ; FUNEZ, L. A. ; RIGON JUNIOR, M. J. ; BITTENCOURT, F. ; VIEIRA, C. Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein Herbarium (FURB), Blumenau, Southern Brazil. PhytoKeys, v. 42, p. 21-37, 2014.

  5. FUNEZ, L. A. ; GASPER, A.L. de. Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí (southern Brazil) shrub and herbs flora. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 10, p. 1249, 2014.


  1. GASPER, A.L. de; SEVEGNANI, L. ; VIBRANS, A. C. ; Sobral, M. ; UHLMANN, A. ; LINGNER, D.V. ; RIGON JUNIOR, M. J. ; VERDI, M. ; STIVAL-SANTOS, A. ; DREVECK, S. ; KORTE, A. Inventário florístico florestal de Santa Catarina: espécies da Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Rodriguésia (Online), v. 64, p. 201-210, 2013.

  2. SANTOS, T. G. ; DOGNINI, J. ; BEGNINI, I.M. ; REBELO, R. A. ; VERDI, M. ; GASPER, A.L. de; DALMARCO, E. M. Chemical characterization of essential oils from Drimys angustifolia Miers (Winteraceae) and antibacterial activity of their major compounds. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 24, p. 164-170, 2013.

  3. GASPER, A.L. de; UHLMANN, A. ; SEVEGNANI, L. ; LINGNER, D.V. ; RIGON JUNIOR, M. J. ; VERDI, M. ; STIVAL-SANTOS, A. ; DREVECK, S.; SOBRAL, M.; VIBRANS, A. C. Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina: espécies da Floresta Estacional Decidual. Rodriguésia (Online), v. 64, p. 427-443, 2013.

  4. GASPER, A.L. de; EISENLOHR, P. V. ; SALINO, A. Climate-related variables and geographic distance affect fern species composition across a vegetation gradient in a shrinking hotspot. PLANT ECOLOGY AND DIVERSITY, v. 8, p. 25-35, 2013.


  1. SANTOS, T. G. ; REBELO, R. A. ; DALMARCO, E. M. ; GUEDES, A. ; GASPER, A.L. de; CRUZ, A. B. Composição química e avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana do óleo essencial das folhas de Piper malacophyllum (C. Presl.) C. DC.. QUIMICA NOVA, v. 35, p. 477-481, 2012.

  2. DOGNINI, J. ; MENEGHETTI, E.K. ; TESKE, M.N. ; BAGNINI, I.M. ; REBELO, R. A. ; DALMARCO, E. M. ; VERDI, M. ; GASPER, A.L. de. Antibacterial activity of high safrole contain essential oils from Piper xylosteoides (Kunth) Steudel. JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH, v. 24, p. 241-244, 2012.

  3. GASPER, A.L. de; SALINO, A.; VIBRANS, A. C.; SEVEGNANI, L.; VERDI, M.; KORTE, A.; STIVAL-SANTOS, A.; DREVECK, S.; CADORIN, T. J.; SCHMITT, J. L.; CAGLIONI, E. Pteridófitas de Santa Catarina: um olhar sobre os dados do Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasilica, v. 26, p. 421-434, 2012.

  4. CAGLIONI, E.; BONNET, A. ; SCHMITT, J. .; CRISTOFOLINI, C.; ANDRADE, S.; OLIVEIRA, C. P. L.; GROSCH, B.; GASPER, A.L. de; UHLMANN, A.; SEVEGNANI, L.; VIBRANS, A. C. Epífitos vasculares predominantes em zonas ecológicas de forófitos, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista de Estudos Ambientais (Online), v. 14, p. 28-42, 2012.

  5. SEVEGNANI, L. ; SILVA, T.C.; GASPER, A.L. de; MEYER, L.; VERDI, M. Flora arbórea e o impacto humano nos fragmentos florestais na bacia do rio pelotas, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista de Estudos Ambientais (Online), v. 14, p. 60-73, 2012.

  6. VIBRANS, A. C. ; GASPER, A.L. de; Müller, J.J.V. Para que inventariar florestas? Reflexões sobre a finalidade do Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina. Revista de Estudos Ambientais (Online), v. 14, p. 6-13, 2012.

2011 - 2007

  1. GASPER, A.L. de; SEVEGNANI, L.; VIBRANS, A. C.; UHLMANN, A. ; LINGNER, D.V. ; VERDI, M. ; DREVECK, S. ; STIVAL-SANTOS, A.; BROGNI, E.; SCHMITT, R.; KLEMZ, G. Inventário de Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. em Santa Catarina. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso), v. 25, p. 776-784, 2011.

  2. GASPER, A.L. de; SEVEGNANI, L. Lycophyta e samambaias do Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí, Vale do Itajaí, SC, Brasil. HOEHNEA, v. 37, p. 755-767, 2010.

  3. VIBRANS, A. C.; SEVEGNANI, L.; LINGNER, D.V.; GASPER, A.L. de; SABBAGH, S. Inventário florístico florestal de Santa Catarina (IFFSC): aspectos metodológicos e operacionais. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, v. 30, p. 291-302, 2010.

  4. VIBRANS, A. C. ; SEVEGNANI, L. ; UHLMANN, A. ; SCHORN, L.A. ; SOBRAL, M. ; GASPER, A.L. de; LINGNER, D.V. ; BROGNI, E. ; KLEMZ, G. ; GODOY, M. B. ; VERDI, M. Structure of mixed ombrophyllous forests with Araucaria angustifolia (Araucariaceae) under external stress in Southern Brazil. REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL, v. 0, p. 1371-1387, 2010.

  5. SEVEGNANI, L. ; GASPER, A.L. de. Ocorrência de Siphocampylus umbellatus (Kunth) G. Don (Campanulaceae) em Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biociências, v. 5, p. 327-329, 2007.