Electronic Vaporizer Supplies

The Strangest e Cig Vape Supplies

There are many different e-cigarettes to choose from and knowing which one you want to get could be quite tricky - which is why you should check out the best e cigarette Australia at review sites before you buy. There are some cool looking devices and there are some odd ones that you may just want to show off. Then there are those that have been specially designed to look as good as they function, so here are a few funky and fun e-cigarette mods that are likely to cause a stir in the vaping community - and beyond.

Terminator Head Mod

This particular model was made for all those Terminator fans out there. At the bottom of the pen is a Terminator's skull - and it looks pretty cool in our opinion (but also a little hard to take about in your pocket). This e-cigarette mod is certainly a cool tribute to the 80’s awesome sci-fi movie franchise!


This is one for the Mario fans, as it's a Nintendo GameCube inspired pen!

This mod was made using a real, original Nintendo GameCube console, and it uses two batteries which allows up to four people to all vape at the same time! Plus, the company who created it (Nebula Vaping) have also created versions which can be powered by mains instead. Cool, huh?

Vape Hoodie

What is a Vape Hoodie? Well, it's a real and functional hoodie, but the drawstring that goes through the hood is actually the tube for the electronic cigarette! On one end is a mouthpiece (that can be tucked away into the hoodie's material), and on the other end is the vape pen.

Even though it's a bit of an odd idea, it's also quite interesting. Can you imagine using a Vape Hoodie?

Android Smartphone eCig

This phone/vape is a fully functional android smartphone and vape in one. This is a pretty cool idea, as you can just get out your phone and vape! What makes it just a little cooler is that the e-cigarette attachment can actually be separated from the phone!

Hammer Mod

The hammer mod for e-cigs looks as though it could have been created by the Norse gods!

The Hammer mod was created by a vape modder known as Kato (who isn't an ancient legend). The mod itself resembles the hammer used by the god Thor (Mjolnir) however, some people believe that the carvings on it resemble Celtic scripture. Which is it?

Well, Kato said that the mod was supposed to represent a hammerhead shark! No matter what way you look at it, it's an awesome looking mod.

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