
The objectives of the program achieved are the following:

For students:

-The basic disciplinary competences reinforced through the project have been the following: -Artistic and cultural competence. -Competence in linguistic communication in
classical and modern languages. -Mathematical and scientific competence. -Digital
competence in communication, information search and digital content creation.
-Competence for written, oral and digital communication. -Competence to learn to learn and learn to think. -Competence to coexist. -Multilingual and multicultural competence.

-Analize Greco-Roman etymology and understand the meaning of 20 terms related to the human body and 57 defintions concerning medical specialties, diseases and treatments in modern languages

-Value and respect the cultural, linguistic heritage from the Greco-Roman civilization.

-Explore the number φ and its application when analyzing the proportions of the human body, Art and Design.

-Know and correctly use the composition fundamentals of scientific language related to medicine from Greco-Roman roots.

-Critically analyze beauty canons in Western civilization throughout history.

-By comparing these canons with real beauty, accept own body and appreciate others' diversity.

-Use information and communication technologies with autonomy, a critical spirit and an ethical sense in the search, selection and processing of information to deepen their knowledge of certain aspects of language, history and classical culture.

-Reinforce digital competence in communication, information search and digital content creation. -Competence for written, oral and digital communication. -Competence to learn to learn and learn to think.

-Strengthen the multilingual and multicultural competence.

-Reflect on the learning processes carried out in all languages with an attitude of confidence in one's own ability.