Short desciption of the project:
Helping Galenus eTwinning / Erasmus project aims to improve the basic skills of secondary and high school students through an interdisciplinary approach in a context of meaningful learning that takes as its starting point the productivity of classical languages in the generation of scientific terminology related to anatomy and medicine.
-Develop basic skills and key competences through an international and cross-curricular project.
-Improve communication skills in modern and classical languages.
-Upgrade digital skills concerning “Cooperation/Communication” & “Digital content creation.”
-Discover the productivity of classical languages in the generation of scientific terminology related to anatomy and medicine, departing from the heritage of Classical Civilization.
-Discover the Golden Proportion and its presence in the human body.
-Discover and critically analyze the canons of beauty in Western civilization through history.
-Compare aesthetic canons with real beauty in order to accept one's own body and that of others.
-Improve multilingual and multicultural skills.
The project received in total 16 National and European Quality Labels: 12 in Spain (IES Miguel Unamuno BHI and IES Ellacuria-Zurbaran BHI, Bilbao), 2 in Belgium (Athena Campus Pottelberg, Kortrijk) and 2 in France (Collège Jacques Prévert, Marle).
Project`s TwinSpace
The participants of this project want to get to know each other.
For this purpose we will use the padlet board below and each one will make an entry with the following information:
-Your personal name (only).
-Individual presentation (age, school, hobbies...)
-A term in English related to the human body (organ, limb, bone, blood...) and its correspondence in Latin and Ancient Greek. e.g.: English: eye, Latin: oculus, Ancient Greek: οφθαλμός (ofthalmos).
-An image of the chosen term in the public domain..
-Comment 2 entries of your foreign partners that you like.