2020 Books

Aarts, Bas, April McMahon and Lars Hinrichs, eds. 2020. The Handbook of English Linguistics. 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell. [More info]

Busse, Beatrix. 2020. Speech, Writing, and Thought Presentation in 19th-Century Narrative Fiction. (Oxford Studies in the History of English). Oxford University Press. [More info]

Calle-Martin, Javier. 2020. John Arderon's De Judiciis Urinarum: A Middle English Commentary on Giles of Corbeil's Carmen De Urinis in Glasgow University Library, Ms Hunter 328 and Manchester University Library, Ms Rylands Eng. 1310. Liverpool University Press. [More info]

Clegg Hyer, Maren, Haruko Momma and Samantha Zacher, eds. 2020. Old English Lexicology and Lexicography: Essays in Honor of Antonette diPaolo Healey. D.S. Brewer. [More info]

De Bastiani, Chiara. 2020. Verb and Object Order in the History of English: A Language-Internal Account. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More info]

Eitler, Tamás. 2020. Sociolinguistic Aspects of Late Middle English Word Order Syntax. Lambert Academic Publishing. [More info]

Evans, Mel. 2020. Royal Voices: Language and Power in Tudor England. Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Fernández-Pena, Yolanda. 2020. Reconciling Synchrony, Diachrony and Usage in Verb Number Agreement with Complex Collective Subjects. Routledge. [More info]

García Fernández, Laura. 2020. Lemmatising Old English on a Relational Database: Preterite-Present, Contracted, Anomalous and Strong VII Verbs. UTZ Verlag. [More info]

Grund, Peter J. and Megan Hartman, eds. 2020. Studies in the History of the English Language: Boundaries and Boundary-crossings in the History of English. Walter de Gruyter. [More info]

Hartman, Megan E. 2020. Poetic Style and Innovation in Old English, Old Norse, and Old Saxon. (Richard Rawlinson Center Series for Anglo-Saxon Studies). De Gruyter. [More info]

Jucker, Andreas. 2020. Politeness in the History of English: From the Middle Ages to the Present Day. Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Jucker, Andreas H. and Irma Taavitsainen, eds. 2020. Manners, Norms and Transgressions in the History of English: Literary and Linguistic Approaches. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 312). John Benjamins. [More info]

Keller, Mareike L. 2020. Code-Switching: Unifying Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. (New Approaches to English Historical Linguistics). Palgrave Macmillan. [More info]

Kirkpatrick, Andy with Wang Lixun. 2020. Is English an Asian Language? Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Kytö, Merja and Erik Smitterberg, eds. 2020. Late Modern English: Novel Encounters. (Studies in Language Companion Series 214). John Benjamins. [More info]

Lavidas, Nikolaos, Alexander Bergs and Elly van Gelderen, eds. 2020. The Naxos Papers, Volume I: On the Diachrony of English. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More info]

Maguire, Warren. 2020. Language and Dialect Contact in Ireland: The Phonological Origins of Mid-Ulster English. Edinburgh University Press. [More info]

McIntyre, Dan. 2020. History of English: A Resource Book for Students. 2nd ed. Routledge. [More info]

Moessner, Lilo. 2020. The History of the Present English Subjunctive: A Corpus-based Study of Mood and Modality. Edinburgh University Press. [More info]

Peikola, Matti and Birte Bös, eds. 2020. The Dynamics of Text and Framing Phenomena: Historical Approaches to Paratext and Metadiscourse in English. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 317). John Benjamins. [More info]

Pérez Lorido, Rodrigo, Carlos Prado-Alonso and Paula Rodriguez-Puente, eds. 2020. Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: New Perspectives on Old and Middle English Language and Literature. (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature 27). Peter Lang. [More info]

Rautionaho, Paula, Arja Nurmi and Juhani Klemola, eds. 2020. Corpora and the Changing Society: Studies in the Evolution of English. (Studies in Corpus Linguistics 96). John Benjamins. [More info]

Schreier, Daniel, Marianne Hundt and Edgar W. Schneider, eds. 2020. The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Smith, Jeremy J. 2020. Transforming Early English: The Reinvention of Early English and Older Scots. (Studies in English Language). Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Smith, K. Aaron and Susan M. Kim. 2020. This Language, a River: Workbook. Broadview Press. [More info]

Sommerer, Lotte and Elena Smirnova, eds. 2020. Nodes and Networks in Diachronic Construction Grammar. (Constructional Approaches to Language 27). John Benjamins. [More info]

Stenroos, Merja and Kjetil Thengs, eds. 2020. Records of Real People: Linguistic Variation in Middle English Local Documents. (Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics 11). John Benjamins. [More info]

Tagg, Caroline and Mel Evans, eds. 2020. Message and Medium: English Language Practices Across Old and New Media. (Topics in English Linguistics 105). De Gruyter Mouton. [More info]

Timmis, Ivor. 2020. The Discourse of Desperation: Late 18th and Early 19th Century Letters by Paupers, Prisoners, and Rogues. Routledge. [More info]

Toupin, Fabienne, Sylvain Gatelais and Ileana Sasu, eds. 2020. Studies in Linguistic Variation and Change 3: Corpus-based Research in English Syntax and Lexis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More info]

Trudgill, Peter. 2020. Millennia of Language Change: Sociolinguistic Studies in Deep Historical Linguistics. Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Turville-Petre, Thorlac. 2020. A Book of Middle English. 4th ed. Wiley-Blackwell. [More info]

White, E. J. 2020. You Talkin' To Me? The Unruly History of New York English. Oxford University Press. [More info]

Wright, Laura. 2020. Sunnyside: A Sociolinguistic Study of British House Names. Oxford University Press. [More info]

Wright, Laura. 2020. The Multilingual Origins of Standard English. (Topics in English Linguistics 107). De Gruyter. [More info]