2018 Books

Bray, Joe. 2018. The Language of Jane Austen. Palgrave. [More info]

Brown, David West. 2018. English and Empire: Literary History, Dialect, and the Digital Archive. (Studies in English Language). Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Connolly, Margaret and Raluca Radulescu, eds. Editing and Interpretation of Middle English Texts: Essays in Honour of William Marx. (Texts and Translations 12). Brepols Publishers. [More info]

Criado-Peña, Miriam. 2018. The Early Modern English Version of Elizabeth Jacob's Physicall and Chyrurgical Receipts. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More info]

Crystal, David. 2018. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Cuyckens, Hubert, Hendrik De Smet, Liesbet Heyvaert and Charlotte Maekelberghe, eds. 2018. Explorations in English Historical Syntax. (Studies in Language Companion Series 198). John Benjamins. [More info]

Gramley, Stephan. 2018. The History of English: An Introduction. 2nd ed. Routledge. [More info]

Ho-Cheong Leung, Alex and Wim van der Wurff, eds. 2018. The Noun Phrase in Engish: Past and Present. (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 246). John Benjamins. [More info]

Kennett, White. Edited by Javier Ruano-García. 2018. Etymological Collections of English Words and Provincial Expressions. Oxford University Press. [More info]

Kleinedler, Steve. 2018. Is English Changing? Routledge. [More info]

Kretzschmar, Jr, William A. 2018. The Emergence and Development of English: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Moro, Andrea. Translated by Bonnie McClellan-Broussard. 2018. The Brief History of the Verb To Be. MIT Press. [More info]

Murphy, Lynne. 2018. The Prodigal Tongue: The Love-Hate Relationship between British and American English. Oneworld Publications. [More info]

Nakayama, Masami. 2018. Grammatical Variation of Pronouns in Nineteenth-Century English Novels. Hituzi Syobo. [More info]

Nevalainen, Terttu, Minna Palander-Collin and Tanja Säily, eds. 2018. Patterns of Change in 18th-Century English: A Sociolinguistic Approach. (Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics 8). John Benjamins. [More info]

Ogura, Michiko. 2018. Periphrases in Medieval English. (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. [More info]

Petré, Peter, Hubert Cuyckens and Frauke D'hoedt, eds. 2018. Sociocultural Dimensions of Lexis and Text in the History of English. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 343). John Benjamins. [More info]

Pillière, Linda, Wilfrid Andrieu, Valérie Kerfelec and Diana Lewis, eds. 2018. Standardising English: Norms and Margins in the History of the English Language. Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Russell, Lindsay Rose. 2018. Women and Dictionary-Making: Gender, Genre and English Language Lexicography. Cambridge University Press. [More info]

Schultz, Julia. 2018. The Influence of Spanish on the English Language since 1801: A Lexical Investigation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More info]

Sommerer, Lotte. 2018. Article Emergence in Old English: A Constructionalist Perspective. (Topics in English Linguistics). Walter de Gruyter. [More info]

Sylwanowicz, Marta. 2018. Middle English Names of Medical Preparations: Towards a Standard Medical Terminology. (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature). Peter Lang. [More info]

Tanabe, Harumi, Koichi Kano and John Scahill, eds. 2018. Linguistic Variation in the Ancrene Wisse, Katherine Group and Wooing Group: Essays Celebrating the Completion of the Parallel Text Edition. (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature 52). Peter Lang. [More info]

van Gelderen, Elly. 2018. The Diachrony of Verb Meaning: Aspect and Argument Structure. Routledge. [More info]