
What else might be useful to know?

As technological advances begin to get adopted it starts to effect other industries. Like driverless vehicles will bring wholesale changes to vehicle insurance. It will also seriously impact the Taxi industry and the haulage companies. The same is likely to happen in the health sector.

Future trends

Health Service. Once the wearable technology becomes common place, the accuracy is validated, and the medical profession accept their effectiveness... gone will be the trolleys with the ECG, Heart Rate, Blood pressure and body Temp equipment. Instead a wearable device hooked up to local collection points. This really is just around the corner... what will drive it will be cost savings... expect to see it first in the private sector!

Insurance / Mortgages / Jobs. Premiums for Life insurance, Car insurance... even mortgages will be at reduced payments for people who are demonstrably taking their health seriously. Would you hire someone who is less likely to be off sick... who exercises regularly... is interested in health and wellness... or someone who pays no attention?

Whether we like it or not... an individual who takes responsibility for their own health has less of a footprint when it comes to using services like the NHS. Maybe in future this will be rewarded in some way.

Additional Resources

Below is a link to some other resources. There are some video links for more information about Helo. Here is a link to click through and acquire a Helo for yourself if you would like to join in.

If you are interested in sharing the good news with others and joining us in the Health revolution then there is information about this too.