Tools with HeLiPR Dataset

File Player

Visitors can identify the file player repository by the icon below.


Usage of File Player

Thank you to Giseop Kim for posting this video.

HeLiPR-Pointcloud-Toolbox (w/ frame transformer from INS to LiDAR)

Usage of HeLiPR-Pointcloud-Toolbox

Visitors can identify the Pointcloud-Toolbox by the icon below.


Transform INS trajectory to Aeva LiDAR frame (Roundabout01)

Visualize Ouster LiDAR via bin file (Roundabout03)

Undistort and Accumulate Velodyne LiDAR (Roundabout02)


Key Features and Benefits of MA-LIO for HeLiPR Dataset:

Visitors can identify MA-LIO repository by the icon below.
