Benchmark Results for Place Recognition

Identical LiDAR Place Recognition VS Heterogeneous LIDAR Place Recognition

0. Baseline Method with Evaluation Technique

We view the data acquired at the same time and space(ex. DCC05/Ouster, DCC05/Aeva, DCC05/Livox, and DCC05/Velodyne) as a single super sequence (ex. DCC05), and 6 super sequences (DCC04-05,KAIST04-05, and Riverside04-05) are selected for training data. 

Since our training datasets incorporate the diversity of scanning patterns, FOV, and dynamic object occlusion, no additional data augmentation is included. With a base learning rate of 1e-3, a multi-step learning rate scheduler (reducing by a factor of 10 every 10 epochs) and Adam optimizer with a momentum of 0.8 is utilized. For the training quadruplet, 2 positives, 9 negatives, and 1 other negative are sampled. The threshold for true positive mining is 7.5 m for both training and testing, and negatives are at least 20 m far from the positives. Due to the large size of training data, 5k query scans are randomly sampled for each epoch. Starting from scratch, training is done with a maximum of 50 epochs and early stopped when converged.

1. AUC Score

2. PR Curve for LIDAR pairs (Bridge02-03)