Services & Events

Professional Development for Teachers

In addition to the services below, I design and facilitate professional learning open workshops in collaboration with educators. These are open to all formal and informal educators and learners.

I am not currently facilitating any open workshops, please check back soon!

Professional Development for Schools and Communities

I am more than happy to collaborate with you on a freelance basis to create an interactive virtual workshop for your school or community.

All workshop designs are rooted in Indigenous ways of knowing, learning, and being. They emphasize a balance of lecture, small group dialogue, whole group reflection, and resource sharing.

Topics Covered:

  • Historical context of Indigenous education

  • Combating Indigenous erasure in curriculum

  • Teaching to affirm Indigenous sovereignty

  • Respectfully learning from Indigenous Knowledge Systems

  • Wellness-centered strategies for the classroom

  • Culturally responsive and sustaining social and emotional learning (SEL)

  • Indigenizing Trauma-informed Teaching

  • Re-indigenizing Restorative Justice for the classroom

Education Consulting

I am available for consulting on a freelance basis. Contact me for further details.

Upcoming Events

Coming soon! No new workshops at this time.

Copyright © 2021 Helen Thomas