Journal Guest editorship

NEW!  Migration as Crisis. Guest Editors: Céline Cantat, Antoine Pécoud and Hélène Thiollet,American Behavioral Scientist (2023), OnlineFirst

Over the past decades, and across different contexts worldwide, migration has become inseparable from a narrative of crisis. This special issue seeks to unpack the connection between migration and crisis. Our introduction proposes a migration as crisis framework, designed to understand and analyze the genesis of this specific perception of migration, on the basis of an interplay between social “subjective” constructions of reality and “objective” migration dynamics. Migration as crisis rests upon a fragmented, changing, and contested assemblage of events, representations, and practices, which in turn call for specific ways of governing migration. The link between migration and crisis can be activated or not, and may or may not be correlated with empirical realities. By engaging with migration as crisis (rather than migration crisis), denaturalizes and historicizes the relationship between migration and crisis, and unpacks the processes through which key actors (including media, policymakers, civil society, and academics) frame migration as such.

Migration Politics across the World. Guest Editors: Katharina Natter and Hélène Thiollet, Third World Quarterly, Volume 43, Issue 7, 2022 

Les "émergents" et les transformations de la gouvernance globale [Emerging countries and the transformation of global governance]. Guest Editor: Hélène Thiollet, Critique internationale Volume 56, Issue 3, 2012