
I am a permanent researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) based at the Center for International Research (CERI) Sciences Po. I am also a fellow of the Institut Convergences Migrations

My research deals with the politics of migration and asylum in the Global South, and I focus my empirical work on the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. I also work on crises and political transformations linked to migration and asylum. 

I teach international relations, comparative politics and migration studies at Sciences Po and EHESS.

I am a huge fan of collaborative projects and I strongly believe in collective work as a means to further scientific knowledge and its dissemination. I have received funding from the National Agency for Research in France (ANR), the European commission (H2020 program), from the Institut Convergence Migrations.

I am one of co founders with Camille Schmoll and Virginie Guiraudon of an initiative launched in 2018 to create an International Panel on Migration, modelled partly after the IPCC. Our initiative gathered over 700 migration scholars and scientists. Find more about the IPM here and watch our launch videos here.


I am a graduate of Ecole normale supérieure (Ulm A/L98), and I hold a PhD in Political Science from Sciences Po and Master degrees in Geography (University of Paris 1 La Sorbonne) and Classics (University of Paris 4 La Sorbonne). I was a Post Doctoral Fellow at Oxford University in 2009-2010 based at the DPIR and St Antony College. In 2002-2003 I was a Visiting Student at the Harvard University Department of Government, with a fellowship from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 

Professional services

I am a member of the Migration & Citizenship section of APSA and I served as a chair of Best Dissertation Award of the section in 2022.  I am a member of the ISA and the Ethnicity, Nationalism, & Migration Studies (ENMISA) section. I serve as member of the ENMISA Outstanding Paper Award committee in 2023-2024.

I was an elected member of Sciences Po's board of direction and of CERI's steering committee for 6 years.

I am a board member of Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, de Migration Politics et de PARISS (Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences). I am part of the International Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Refugee Studies. I served as a board member of Critique Internationale for 9 years.