About me

I invite you to study the jazz flute at the  Academy of Music in Krakow.

Detailed information




Leszek ‘Hefi’ Wiśniowski – flutist, saxophonist, clarinetist and composer. He mainly plays jazz and contemporary music. He teaches a flute class in jazz music at the Jazz and Percussion Contemporary Music Department of the Academy of Music in Krakow. He is a member of the National Flute Association and the Music Centre Association. He has recorded four of his own albums and participated in the creation of 30 others. He has performed solo parts on the soundtracks of nine films with music by Krzesimir Dębski and Zygmunt Konieczny. He works closely with world-famous jazz and avant-garde flute artists Jamie Baum and Robert Dick.  He has given concerts and recorded in Asia, America and Europe. www.hefi.pl


He is a graduate from Music Academy of Jazz in Katowice - the flute faculty.  Since 2015 he has taught jazz flute class at Contemporary Music, Jazz and Percussion Department of the Academy of Music in Cracow. He is a laureate of numerous awards and honors in such a prestigious events like: Jazz Juniors- International Competition of Young and Debut Jazz Ensembles (1993), Siedlce Jazz Competition (1996), The Ministry of Culture Award (1998), “New Tradition”- Folk Music Competition, Warsaw (2001) 2nd prize - Flute Jazz Artist Competition, which took place during National Flute Association Convention w Chicago 2022

Leszek Wiśniowski used it to bring a consistency to his jazz-oriented style that reached easily across genre boundaries.

The distinctive sound as well as his technique allows him to play with the best musicians and composers who represent different musical genres: Jamie Baum, Robert Dick,  Krzesimir Dębski, 

Zygmunt Konieczny, Michał Nestorowicz, Dominika Wania, Bartek Staromiejski, Tomek Kupiec, Maciej Adamczak, Wojtek Mrozek, Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Giridhar Udupa, Pramath Kiran what is more, he plays with such ensembles like HeFi Quartet, Indialucia, Orient Express Orchestra, Leszek Wiśniowski also played as a soloist with symphony orchestras. As a flutist and saxophone player he is the performer of soundtrack to Stara Baśń (The Old Tale) (dir. Jerzy Hofman)and  Magiczne drzewo (The Magic Tree)(dir. Andrzej Maleszka), Ranczo (dir. Wojciech Adamczyk, music Krzesimir Dębski) Tylko nie teraz (dir. Walerij Pendrakowski, music Zygmunt Konieczny) Nie ten człowiek (dir, Paweł Wendorff, music Zygmunt Konieczny)

He is the leader of HeFi Quartet.  Since December 2012  Wiśniowski has used flute with “glissando headjoint®.”This type of headjoint expands the possibilities of flute in an extraordinary way.

Since December 2012 he has introduced to his „flute language” so called „extended techniques” 

He is working also over his own interpratations for flute preparato.

He is the author of splendidly recepted and extraordinalily recorded, solo-performance CD „Lechoechoplexita” ( CM Records 2006) 

Kinetyka comes as his second album recorded with his band (EWmusik 2010)

Live - third his album (Jazz Forum 2013)

Parallax Error (SJrecords)

Leszek Hefi Wiśniowski endorsers  Pearl Bass flute

He participated as a musician in recording of 20 records by other musicians. He has performed and recorded in Asia, America and Europe.

HeFi Quartet concert is regurarlly broadcast in TVP Kultura, Polish the best cultural TV chanel.concert is regurarlly broadcast in TVP Kultura, Polish the best cultural TV chanel.