Raster3D (photorealistic molecular graphics)
MolScript: The Official Web Site
WebElements periodic table of the elements
Biomolecular Modelling Home Page
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Journal of Biological Chemistry
European Journal of Biochemistry
Universities/Research Institutes
Alexander Fleming (Biomedical Sciences Research Center-Greece)
Chemical Crystallography Laboratory (University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)
IMB (Institut fur Molekulare Biotechnologie-JENA, Germany)
IBRI (Ioannina Biomedical Research Institute-Ioannina, Greece)
LMB (Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics-University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)
MBBLab (Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Lab-University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
NTUA (National Technical University of Athens-Athens, Greece)
NCSR-Demokritos (National Centre of Scientific Research-Athens, Greece)
NHRF (The National Hellenic Research Foundation-Athens, Greece)
School of Biochemistry &Biotechnology, (University of Thessaly-Larissa, Greece)
Turku Centre for Biotechnology (Turku, Finland)
University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus)
University of Ioannina (Ioannina, Greece)
Center for Crystallograpic Studies of Macromolecules