Gender balance policy

The Hellenic Crystallographic Association (HeCrA) have put into place a number of actions to promote women in crystallography. The success of our policy is reflected in the gender balance of the HeCrA members through the last 10 years.

149 HeCrA members during the last 10 years

68 Female (46%)

  81 Male   (54%)

In the latest conference organized by HeCrA, nameyl the 10th International Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association, we have ensured equal opportunity for male and female delegates and gender balance for keynote speakers, invited speakers and session chairs.    As a result, the gender balance of the 10th HeCrA conference was exemplary.

106 delegates in-person during the 2021 HeCrA conference

62 Female (58%)

  44 Male   (42%)

During the 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association held in October 2018, the 130 delegates exhibited the perfect balance of 65 male and 65 female scientists.

Gender Balance Advisors for HeCrA

Dr Maria Katsikini and Dr Irene Mavridis

IUCr have kindly provided bursaries for young scientists attending the 10th HeCrA conference. The gender policy statement issued by IUCr can be found here: