Reparation of the Hebrewan People

Our Father has seen the race domination of power and greed. He is not going to let those who walked in these manners not be repaid for their actions. Due to this behavior, the Hebrewian people today do not know who they are and are being told the lie in schools, media, throughout history around the world. The Hebrewian people have be told that they are the vagabond of humanity. This leave us inferior to other people and is effecting all ages of the Hebrews. The systems that are in place perpetuate these behaviors.

The Spirit House seeks reparations, the making of amends for the wrong that has been done to the Hebrews, by paying money to or otherwise helping families who have been wronged through colonization.

Example: "the courts required a state/nation to make financial reparation to his victim"

Restitution, redress, compensation, recompense, repayment and atonement for the Hebrewian people.

"the victims (Hebrews are seeking reparation"

  • the compensation for war damage paid by a defeated state.
  • those ripped from their lands, beaten, enslaved, tortured, raped and killed,
  • hold accountable people that continues to lie and cover up truth about who we are.
  • the repayment and atonement to the families that built empires that other nations enjoy
  • redress the rich history and strength of the Hebrewian people.
  • creating a relined of poverty for the Hebrews and withholding truths and heritage.

Join us as we address these colonization, slavery, and tortured of the Hebrewian people and fight for the right to reparation for our families of today.