

"Motherhood is about loving and nurturing others. All women have God-given gifts to help them in these efforts, whether they have their own children or not . . . Motherhood is a divine role. We can be a mother (noun), and we can mother (verb). To mother is a calling from God for all women. Just as God does, mothers help their children navigate life with love, guidance, and support. Mothers help make hard decisions, encourage in hard times, and love no matter what."

Heather the Mother

When I was a little girl really didn't like it when my parents got upset because chores weren't done so I would follow my brothers around the neighborhood reminding them of their chores and deadlines. In my young head I figured that if I reminded my brothers (some may call it nagging) they would do their part. It never worked quite like I had hoped, but it earned me the nickname "Heather the Mother" from all the other neighborhood kids. 

Growing up, that name really bothered me but now I embrace it. 

My husband and I have been blessed with three amazing children. I've found much joy in being their mother, as well as nurturing others within my sphere of influence. (I've also learned to refrain from nagging).

Today, I am honored to be called "Heather the Mother." 


Husband of 24 years


Oldest Son




Youngest Son


Our K-Daughter