
At time of writing, December 2020, it has been mainly through the YouTube platform that I have been sharing the teaching and learning of Tajweed. Below you will find a few videos from my channel.

As for previous videos which have already been published prior to the more recent "You Recite I Correct" Series, they need to be updated with both better production quality and also addressing some of the minor mistakes in delivering those tutorials, so please take them with a grain of salt!

YouTube Channel Trailer

Testimonial Video

Sheikh Muhammad Yahya from Masjid Al Humera approves HealMyTajweed

Juz Amma For Beginners

You Recite I Correct Weekly Live Sessions For Beginners

Surah Al Kahf

You Recite I Correct Weekly Live Sessions For Advanced Students. We recite the entire surah Alhamdulillah